We can accept it, if you cheat on your Grooming Routine from time to Time, and the weekly scrub or a facial cleaning be let. What is, however, not be tolerated: Sloppy dental hygiene! We talked to Dr. Thomas Seifert, a dentist, and GQ-expert, and asked him what we should pay attention to the daily Cleaning of the teeth. Here are the three mistakes are most often made:

mistake #1: so After dinner, brush your teeth

we Heard as children, probably, all over again, but it’s so not right. For juices, fruit and soft contain drinks acids, the minerals from the tooth enamel remove. The same happens when bacteria, food processing residues, especially sugar. Who is going to clean now the teeth, RUB the enamel! Therefore, after each meal, best to wait an hour, then brush.

mistake #2: With water

Fluoride in the toothpaste, rinse to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth and support the teeth in the Remineralization. If you are not rinsing after Brushing, the mouth can accumulate these fluorides to the teeth and are for the protection of a shield. So, please thoroughly Rinse with water without.

mistake #3: The toothbrush down to rock

We do not talk now of Hygiene. After a hundred times of Brushing the bristles of a toothbrush are just over. The more you clean it gently, but sand aggressive tooth enamel. And none of them has what.

This article was written by (Constantin Herrmann)

*The post “These 3 mistakes everyone makes almost when brushing your teeth” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.