At the 2. In June, the party leaders of CDU, CSU and SPD with representatives of the German Association of the automotive industry (VDA) wish to negotiate the possible purchase of premiums for new cars. Especially the “auto country” of Bavaria, lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg as well as the companies themselves want such a premium.

there’s disagreement, but in the actual embodiment on the question of a possible coupling of the premium in the amount of 4000 Euro to the Co2 emissions of the vehicles. It reported the “mirror”. In an interview with a limit of 140 grams of Co2 emissions per Kilometer, which would let buyers of models like the E-class Mercedes or 5-series BMW benefit’s here.

“What does not work for a middle finger-Move”: Neubauer grumbles about buying premium for E-class

However, with these plans every compliant. Christian Kindler, a spokesman for financial policy of the Green parliamentary group, said a buyer’s premium for cars with internal combustion engine would be “a waste of money and disastrous for the climate protection and the necessary Transformation of the auto industry”. Even more significant climate activist Luisa Neubauer said.

“What a middle finger-Move,” she wrote Friday night on Twitter. “And not even just those, the call for climate protection. But, in fact, all who pay taxes. One wonders, when the VDA feeds also office office to the Chancellery.”

it is Interesting in this context that the VDA President Hildegard Müller is an old friend in the Chancellery. It belongs to the group of long-standing Confidant of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and was from 2005 to 2008 Minister of state in the Chancellery. 29. November 2019 was unanimously elected President of the German Association of the automotive industry, and has held this office since February 2020. 40 percent in the Forsa survey! The new voters of the Union come from the left, FOCUS Online/Wochit 40 percent in the Forsa survey! The new voters of the Union come from the left
