bikes, cars and E-scooter share with other people – in the Corona of a pandemic seems to be a bad idea. Who climbs on or in a vehicle, and you don’t know how healthy the Vornutzer was? Or when it was last disinfected? Actually, the Corona-crisis has added to the business with the “Shared Mobility” course. Researchers believe it is possible that you could be at the end of even the profiteer of the pandemic.

E-scooter that stand in your way – for a year the heard in many places in the city. For months, the number of vehicles grew, then it was In the Corona was a sudden crisis reduced the provider the number of your scooter, or you moved the Scooter rental company Lime, first, completely out of the traffic. Meanwhile, the Lime-scooters are in seven cities nationwide to be back on the streets. Before the crisis there were around 25 000 scooter in 15 cities. Now was gradually planned for a return, says Alexander arrow, General Manager for Lime in Germany. The demand increases again.

corona crisis, reservation numbers break

Whether Lockdown, virus, anxiety, or both along the demand decline, remains unclear. What is certain is that Other Logos were also taken. So the booking numbers for the member companies, from mid-March to mid-April were down by 50 percent, according to a survey by the Federal Association of car sharing, in some cases by up to 80 percent.

“a temporarily lower demand than usual” speaking the Deutsche Bahn. It is a provider of Carsharing network’s “Flinkster” with 4500 vehicles and the bike rental system “Call a Bike” with 16 000 wheels. But the Depth was over: “Now the demand is again approaching the level of the previous year,” said a spokesman. In the bike-the area of the new registrations would increase substantially.

According to Martina Hertel German Institute of urban Affairs in Berlin all mobility offers come through the crisis: “according to The means of transport, the picture is very different.” As professionals and providers from a market shakeout in the E-scooters. However, this process of concentration would have been without Corona pandemic, says Hertel: “The crisis is now acting as a fire accelerant.”

Not only within, but also between the mobility offered there are shifts. So scooter provider Lime is currently registered longer trips than before the pandemic – probably because people may be afraid to use public transport. “The prescribed distance, many vehicles do not comply with, and not everyone has a car,” says Lime-Manager arrow.

the attractiveness of bikes increases

Also Hertel holds a shift to the detriment of Bus and rail is possible – for the benefit of the Leihrads: “as far as we can trace, is in the cities, in which it is to loose come on, there is a shift from public TRANSPORT to bicycles.” The bike was better set up for trips with Luggage, as the E-scooter.

the age of the “Shared Mobility”users could also play a role: people 60 years and over estimate according to the Federal office for risk assessment, the effects of Coronavirus on your health than great. The users of the Logos, however, are often young. In the case of the E-scooters by the users decreases with increasing age the number quickly, has determined the consulting company “The Nunatak Group” in a survey.

The Frankfurt mobility of researchers, Martin Lanzendorf sees in the crisis an opportunity for the shift in Traffic and also some Sharing options. So many people are now making the experience that they scooters also bike or E-good could move forward. Now it is to the cities, to take advantage of this. In the world there are examples, also in Berlin, which is now for bikes and pedestrians, more space is created, and the decrease in car traffic will be withdrawn, so that the distance bid on sidewalks and bike paths could be observed. “Corona is also a large trial,” says the Professor.

problems for car-sharing provider

For the car-sharing did not mean the pandemic but problems, explains to lance village. For here we must use a car, without knowing, who have previously sat in it. The Carsharing Association stresses that, in the opinion of virologists, the risk of Infection in the cars was “rather low”. Infections caused by touching contaminated surfaces were possible, the provider but pay special attention to cleaning and disinfection. Nevertheless, the Association fears a “long-term economic impact”.

The Professor Stefanie Bremer warns us not to overestimate the importance of the pandemic in such matters: “Whether it’s really Corona the reason or main reason for Sharing services not prevail, I doubt very much,” said the head of the Department of Integrated traffic planning and mobility development, University of Kassel, Germany. Even before Corona was clear that the new offers can only in some cities as a permanently profitable to establish. The current offer cleanup and simultaneous expansion depends on several factors such as settlement structure, settlement density, the public TRANSPORT network and the social structure. In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the
