vertebra of the campaign strategists of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson: Dominic Cummings is in spite of Covid-19-symptoms across England dangers, to visit his parents. It is hard consequences.

Despite Lockdown Dominic Cummings has traveled across England to see his parents. The campaign strategist from Boris Johnson suffered from symptoms of the disease Covid-19 . Now, many British and Tory MPs are calling for the kicked of consultant of the Prime Minister. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus*. The most Important thing on the subject of there are also on our Facebook page Corona News.

Update from the 24. May, 17.50 PM: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to come after fierce criticism of his chief adviser Dominic Cummings shortly before the press. The London seat of the government, Downing Street announced this afternoon. Johnson will pass on to 18 hrs (CEST) on the daily Briefing on the situation in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

Previously had also risen from their own ranks, the pressure on Cummings, for alleged violations of the Lockdown rules of his Post to withdraw. Johnson says his main consultant on a Saturday night “full support” part. Since then, new allegations, however, were known (see below).

Corona uproar in the UK: Even Tories are calling for Cummings‘ resignation

Update from the 24. May, 12.35 PM: Against Dominic Cummings , an adviser to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, have recently been allegations according to which he a number of times against Corona-rules is supposed to have . On Sunday, members of the conservative party in government were now for the first time, standing in a room withdrawal requirements . “Dominic Cummings has to go before he inflicts the UK, the government, the Prime Minister, our institutions, or the Conservative party any more damage”, wrote about the Tory MP, and ore-Brexiteer Steve Baker on the website for The Critic.

The conservative politician Damian Collins criticized, Cummings had shown in the past that he believed the rules would not apply to him. In addition, he had entered the accountability for each, which fills a powerful Position, with feet. “

The government would be better off without him,” was Collins ‘ conclusion. on Saturday night, a government spokesperson has rejected the allegations as “false” . The government will not waste your time trying to answer a stream of false allegations about Mr. Cummings of politically-motivated Newspapers, said the spokeswoman. What exactly have to the Reports of a non-voted, was not, however. Previously, the government had admitted that all of the Cummings and his family to Durham dangers .

+ Dominic Cummings is in spite of the Corona-Lockdown traveled with his family to Durham – apparently, he wanted to regulate the care of his son. ©AFP / GLYN KIRK

Cummings insisted, “to have a reasonable and legal” traded. Because his wife was suffering from Covid-19, and he must also anticipate a contagion, he want to the care for his son, to make sure . According to his own representation of the Johnson-consultant became ill shortly after his arrival in Durham. According to the guidelines of the government’s distribution of goods at this time travel from unavoidable reasons allowed . However, the government defended the actions of Cummings‘ than justified. The reason: It had gone to the Well-being of the child.

Coronavirus-rules ignored? Resignation of Johnson-Advisor Cummings required

Update from 23. May, 22.45 clock: due to an alleged Lockdown-infringement is the subject of criticism Johnson-consultant Dominic Cummings is said to have slaughtered more times the rules of the British government, miss. The reports on Saturday, the Sunday Mirror and the Observer, citing witnesses. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had said his main Advisor at the beginning of the evening his “full support” after opposition politicians called for the resignation (see below). The newspaper reports but also on 19. April in Durham have been seen. At this time he already been photographed back in London.

Also on 12. April he was detected allegedly by a passer-by, this Time at a popular day-trip destination, just 50 km from Durham centre. Should prove true, the reports would Cummings be at least traveled a second Time during the lock downs without permission.

by the Way: With the allegations do not need to worry about currently, only Johnson-Advisor Cummings. Also against Brazil’s head of state, Jair Bolsonaro-Union allegations that have been recently tremendously loud. A recently posted Video increases the pressure on the President.

Corona-vortex in the UK: Cummings is in breach of Lockdown rules

origin article 23. May 2020:

London/Durham – It seems that Boris Johnson in the future, may be without his key advisers. After a fraction of the Lockdown rules in the UK, the well-known campaign strategist, Dominic Cummings the demands for his expulsion faced.

According the Guardian and the Daily Mirror reported, first, that the 48-year-old Cummings has traveled to the end of March of England’s capital of London in the more than 430 kilometres away, County Durham in the North East to see his parents.

a Few days previously the British government had adopted to contain the corona virus pandemic* strict conditions with a view to the freedom of movement: travel was allowed only for reasons of urgency. In addition, people with the Coronavirus suspected to seven days in self-isolation. Among these persons, is also Dominic Cummings according to information provided by the government at the time .

+ Dominic Cummings is coming under fire: due to an illicit Corona-trip.©AFP / DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS

After the emergence of the allegations, would not comment for a government spokesman to Reuters request first. The BBC reporter Laura Kuenssberg want to learn from the personal environment, Cumming s that the government has a consultant of Boris Johnson with his wife and son for the self-isolation in a separate building in the yard of his parents staying in the country. Because both Cummings and also his wife Covid-19-symptoms* had suffered, had dealt with his sister to the small child.

breach of Corona-restrictions: “Cummings completely untenable”

Naturally, criticism of Cummings’ Corona-Pass comes specifically from the Opposition : “The Position of Dominic Cummings is completely untenable – he must resign or be kicked out”, ranted Ian Blackford, Leader of the Scottish national party SNP in the British Parliament. Labour MP, Tulip Siddiq told the Guardian: “The Public expects that there is a rule for you and another for Cummings,” said the Deputy.

Also against the wind for Boris Johnson is due to his public reticence on the case Cummings increasingly

How did the Corona travel* by Dominic Cummings at all to the Public? When you visit in the province of Durham Boris Johnson’s campaign strategist, had been a local resident seen – and the police with a view to the fraction of the output restrictions is displayed.

just a few weeks ago, the renowned scientist Neil Ferguson had to give up his consultant post, because he had received during the lock downs to visit his girlfriend. Catherine Calderwood, medical adviser to the Scottish government, was also a must due to a Corona-offense your hat take.

PF with dpa

* is a service of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network

section list image:©AFP / GLYN KIRK