Discreet during the entire period of confinement, François Hollande takes advantage of the gradual return to normal life to return to the management of the crisis of the sars coronavirus. First studio guest of the morning of France Inter since the déconfinement, the former president of the Republic recognises in particular that have played a role in the critical situation in the hospitals in France.

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” I have ruled France for five years, so I have my share of responsibility as in the situation of the hospital, ” he says in the face of Léa Salamé, even if it recalls the creation of 30,000 jobs and the payroll increase of 7 %. “The hospital has been a great capacity of mobilization and reaction : from 5 000 beds for resuscitation at 10 000, to be able to never refuse a patient, it has assumed an exceptional mobilization of personnel. Let’s draw a hat-trick, the French cheered, but this is not enough. “

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“For years,” he continues, ” it has forced the hospital and was imposed, I have taken my part, I don’t want to exclude me, put in place an administration, and it is this that the doctors reject : the coding of acts, pricing that forced them to spend more time, sometimes, to fill out some papers to treat… And there was the question of remuneration. I’ve tried to improve the career, to highlight a few of the categories, orderlies or nurses, but this is not enough. “

hundreds of millions of masks “have been destroyed”

“Segur of health” which opens this Monday, three important decisions are expected according to François Hollande. “You must give a lot of flexibility to the hospitals, make up for the delay on compensation and changing the organization of work. “No question, however, of going back on the 35-hour :” putting the flexibility, of negotiation, that it pays better some of the activities, but please, don’t get back on what is now viewed as a social acquis. “

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In 2012, Xavier Bertrand ensures that the inventory of masks are 1.4 billion, ” explains Léa Salamé. According to Radio France, in 2013, a change of doctrine under François Hollande is reducing the stock to $ 700 million. “A decision was taken in 2011 to change the system of storage of masks, “displaced,” the ex-president, closer to those who use them. François Hollande declares three times the inventory of masks have been checked and found to be sufficient to cope with the different threats (a virus in 2013, the Ebola virus and the terrorist attacks). “When I left, there were 743 million masks. When the crisis began, there were more than 140 or 150 million. This means that masks have been destroyed and that the stock of masks has not been rebuilt. “

Read also Kervasdoué – Why it is essential to reform the hospital

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