Premier Boris Johnson defended his chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, is supposed to have been in breach of pandemic measures. Now both of them have a lot of Trouble.

UK suffers from the Corona-crisis*: All the News in the old Ticker Johnson-consultant Dominic Cummings is alleged to have against the output constraints failed to criticism of Boris Johnson after a Declaration of Solidarity for consultants

London – UK the clocks tick a little different. You don’t know, it is only since the Brexit . Also in the Corona-crisis some of the runs on the island a little differently than in the Rest of the world. So had to give up a few weeks ago, the scientist Neil Ferguson his Post as a government adviser. And why? Because the epidemiologist had broken the rules to curb the pandemic, miss.

United Kingdom: scientists in breach of Corona-rules

That was the rules a little surprising, after all, Ferguson led the group of scientists at the Imperial College in London, whose calculations had led the government of Boris Johnson to strict distance, Contact block and output-restricting tongues to introduce.

Nevertheless, Ferguson continued to his affair with a 38-Year-old fort, have visited him several times. “I acted in the Belief that I am immune,” said Ferguson. However, he was not. He was tested positive for the Virus and has gone two weeks in Isolation.

chief adviser Dominic Cummings is not the item keeps to output restrictions

And now Dominic Cummings is in the series. The chief Advisor of Boris Johnson is alleged to have a trip from London to members of the family to some 430 kilometres away to Durham at the end of March, also against the output constraints. The campaign strategist is considered to be a kind of puppet masters in the government, is highly intelligent and at the same time, unpredictable.

The excitement is correspondingly large. so the police is afraid of consequences for their work: Cummings: have made the enforcement of the pandemic-measures the laughing stock, said a representative of the police in the southern English County of Gloucestershire. Meanwhile, the doctors Dominic Pimenta tweeted a photo of himself in full protective equipment and wrote: “If he (Cummings) not to leave the service, then I’ll do it.”

Boris Johnson strengthens Cummings gave the back

Cummings: as the reason for his journey, he had no way of taking care of his four-year-old son to ensure. He wanted to take care of his child, because was his wife Covid-19 ill and he must also reckon with the risk of infection.

+ Dominic Cummings is to be travelled, despite the lock downs, more than 400 kilometres to his parents, as he suffered from Covid-19-symptoms.©picture alliance/dpa/Aaron Chown

Boris Johnson itself has strengthened Cummings so far to the back. Cummings was followed by “the instincts of every father,” said Johnson. For this, he could not set him in the pillory. According to Johnson, his chief Advisor has been responsible “in every way, legally and with integrity” traded.

Boris Johnson device, even under pressure

However, after this back cover Johnson device is now even more under pressure. Besides, the Opposition demanded that, in the meantime, about a dozen members of Parliament from Johnson’s Conservative party, as well as representatives of the Church and Doctors of the resignation Cummings. The Premier treat people “like a fool” and “without respect”, tweeted the Bishop of Leeds, Nicholas Baines. Besides him, many other clergy of the Church of England’s Johnson and Cummings criticized behaviour.

The newspaper “Daily Mail” ran a headline on Monday to pictures of Johnson and Cummings : “On what planet actually live?” The head of the opposition party, Labour, Keir Starmer , told the BBC: “This was a big Test for the Prime Minister, and he’s just failed.”

in the Tory party support is crumbling . The former Secretary of state Paul Maynard called the behavior of the chief adviser, “totally untenable”. The honourable member David Warburton said in a BBC Interview on Monday, Cummings “harms the government and the country”.

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section list image:©picture alliance/dpa/House Of Commons