Ramelow wants to renounce from the beginning of June, on the General protection provisions and the Corona-fight back stronger at the level of municipalities to organize. “Of Ver – to be Commanded by state compulsion to self-verantwortetem moderation” – as he calls it. In Thuringia, it would be in the future, the “local authorizations”, as well as the personal responsibility of the people.

It made no sense that seven days of round-the-clock Crisis teams worked, if there were in half of the counties for three weeks of no new infections, he said. “We want to change the Management.” Instead of the crisis staffs, the responsibility should now lie locally with the health authorities. New infection should form a herd, to be locally responsive.

Spahn: “The impression that the pandemic is over, may arise, in any case,”

The proposal is not in the other länder and in the Federal well. “It may arise in any case, the impression that the pandemic would be over,” said Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), the “image”newspaper (Monday). Although there were regions in which no new infections were reported. On the other hand, there are local and regional outbreaks, which made quick action is needed. The responsibility for this lies with the länder. Furthermore, the triad of ‘keep your distance help”, on Hygiene, everyday life wearing masks’, to make it to the Virus as hard as possible,” said the health Minister. dpa/Kay Nietfeld/dpa “My goal is, in may to present a regulation on the preventive series of Tests in hospitals and nursing homes allows”, says Jens Spahn.

Söder referred to in Thuringia initiative as a “fatal Signal”

Also Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has criticised the announcement Ramelows sharp. He called Thuringia initiative as a “fatal Signal”. He please the authorities in Thuringia, in addition, therefore, to reconsider the intention, said Söder on Monday on the sidelines of a visit to a Kindergarten in Nuremberg. Bavaria is affected by the infection to happen in the neighborhood, said the Prime Minister. “We in Bavaria were particularly affected by the fact that we were at a border situation to Austria. We now have the current Situation that we are, for example, affected in the area Coburg from sun mountain,” said Söder overlooking the Thuringian town of the neighboring district. dpa/Peter Kneffel/dpabild Markus Söder (CSU) at a press conference.

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Söder announced the software counter-measures. “We will have to sit and think about a concept, how we react to it,” he said. “I don’t want Bayern is still infected by the careless policy, which is made in Thuringia,” he said.

participants of the video conference of the CDU leadership evaluated the proposed Corona-locker of the Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) as a devastating Signal. This learned FOCUS Online from the leadership circles of the party. A Board member expressed the concern that the procedure Ramelows could beat “waves in other States”. This is not “helpful”.

Drosten: “I Am not sure, whether all are self-responsibility,”

The Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten is the opposite of the approach of Ramelow as skeptical. “The ownership is so the Swedish model and we can see these days, and will see in the next few months, even more, that there is a very high caused excess mortality,” said the Charité-scientists on Monday in Germany radio. “So I’m not quite sure if that can run everything on your own responsibility.” Drosten said better guidelines for specific sectors of society such as schools and kindergartens. dpa/Michael Kappeler/dpa-pool/dpa, Christian Drosten, Director of the Institute for Virology at the Charité hospital in Berlin.

Klingbeil: “Ramelow running conspiracy theorists behind”

Also, SPD General Secretary, Lars Klingbeil criticized the Thuringian Minister-President of sharp. He has accused him of, with the scheduled repeal of the country Corona-measures conspiracy theorists chase. He settlement said on Monday, “live”: “I expect from a politician that, in fact, that orientation, but that they do not let a few thousand people with conspiracy theories on the places, guide you.” dpa/Annette Riedl/dpa SPD-Secretary-General Lars Kling.

In the “picture”Talk “The right questions”, warned Klingbeil Ramelow, that he is getting applause from the wrong side: “When the only applause you get, comes from Attila Hildmann and Christian Lindner, must Mr Ramelow ask whether he has done everything right.”

criticism also comes from Ramelows private Cabinet

Also in his Cabinet Ramelows exceptionalism encounters resistance. On Monday Minister for the environment Anja siegemund (Green) turned against the Considerations. The fight against the Coronavirus in Thuringia, was so successful had to do with the high acceptance of the people for measures such as contact restrictions, to which they had held for a week, said victory mouth of the German press Agency. “These protective measures, we must not dismiss them now for the weekend, easily done.” dpa/Martin Schutt/dpabild Georg Maier (SPD), interior Minister of Thuringia.

Thuringia’s Minister of the interior, Georg Maier (SPD), rejected a repeal of the nationwide standards as well. The paradigm shift, the Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) propagating now, is basically correct, said Maier on Monday the German press Agency. “But not like that.” So he and the other SPD would know in-country Minister of the proposal first from the newspaper or Radio. Also Ramelows announcements would have the acceptance of many people for the existing rules is undermined. “It has occurred the opposite of what he probably wanted to,” said Maier. “What is now come over, is counterproductive, to put it mildly.”

Thuringian municipalities warn: “This is not a fire hazard”

Massive criticism, it rained from the municipalities. “This is not a fire hazard,” said the President of the municipality and the cities of Federal, Michael Brychcy (CDU). And Gotha’s mayor Knut Kreuch (SPD) warned: “in Thuringia, people need clear agreements on the way to normality and not a Wishy-Washy of conflicting regulations.” A patchwork quilt, the hotbed of a new Corona-pandemic would be.

Ramelow defends his foray

Ramelow (Left) has defended its foray in the meantime, against all the criticism. “I have not said that people should embrace or the mouth, nose guard, and should kiss,” he said on Monday the MDR. There is now no reason for you to be easily done. “This means that tried and tested schemes such as the keep your Distance not to stop.”

Each County and each municipality to receive support immediately, as soon as re-infections occur, said the head of government. In the public passenger transport and rail transport, we would see the mouth and nose remain covered. As the planned relaxations for Thuringia will look, specifically, will be discussed in the Cabinet. “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Wants to manage material FOCUS Online/Wochit “Not the issue”: In the fight to billion-funds has Scholz in the TV Anne Wants to cope

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