The fifth high school in the district comes to Röhrmoos. It is only there that the necessary student figures are reached, the Department shall notify. The district Council had favored mountain churches.

County– “I’m disappointed,” the mountain Kirchner, mayor Robert Axtner frankly. “We have a Lot thrown into the mix and tries to present us well.” But their efforts were in vain: According to the Ministry of culture of the site for a fifth District high school in the Western part of the County is not due to the Numbers approved – Röhrmoos is awarded the contract. Mayor Dieter Kugler is happy.

Re: Already in September, the Ministry has granted approval for Röhrmoos. The did not want to accept the district Council, had spoken of “structural reasons” for the mountain churches: district administrator Stefan Löwl and member of the Landtag, Bernhard Seidenath protested with a circle of politicians, led a conversation with the Minister of culture Michael Piazolo and were given a second Chance: The district submitted an updated opinion, the show should be that students pay for mountain churches is sufficient.

you can’t do That, however, and it can not be taken into account, the Forecast “directly, because they are based on land use plan in the coming one and a half decades, which have not been decided for the most part”. The office announced in a press release.

The Numbers speak for Röhrmoos – due to a further argument: From the year 2015 and a further 150 high school students from Haimhausen are added, the visit is currently the Carl-Orff-Gymnasium in Unterschleissheim.

district administrator Stefan Löwl is not surprised by the decision of the Ministry. “We knew that Röhrmoos is the student stronger location”, however, he would like to have a structure political decision-making. “That would have been a good sign,” said Löwl. Time have not tasted the re-appraisal, so Löwl, only resources: planning for Röhrmoos, and mountain time were driven churches of the same ahead. That Röhrmoos now receives the award, not disappointed him: “The Important thing is that we are allowed to build the fifth high school, because we need it urgently!”

Like wild fire the good news is that the fifth high school will be built in the district in Röhrmoos spread in Röhrmoos. Politicians of all Council groups had criticised the education policy of the district, because the first decision of the Ministry had not been accepted. Now the joy is all the greater: “I am glad that Röhrmoos to further develop,” said Günter Bakomenko (FW). According to mayor Kugler, the decision to acknowledge the good work of the administration and the good application. The area between hall road and the sports facilities of the SpVgg Röhrmoos-groß inzemoos is transport easily accessible, in S-Bahn, close to the County road that would lead over the in the future, the cross-bus.

“allows The clarity about the location of a rapid implementation,” said member of the Landtag, Bernhard Seidenath. This was also necessary “because we need the new school not later than school year 2025/26.” All those Involved had been tried in the last few months, with emphasis and great earnestness, to find ways for the realization of the location of the mountain churches. Now you do not have to recognize “a serious way, that there is such a path. The projected student numbers are not sufficient there simply to secure the high school in a sustainable way.“

Robert Axtner, for the very disappointed, but not upset, as he emphasized, will accept the decision. “We are not nachtarocken or start again, which would not understand the people.” Rather, he wanted to put the focus more on the improvement of public TRANSPORT instead of the Gymnasium. Both are of course “would have been good to the face”. Especially in the Western district of fewer students in the Gymnasium exceed, “due to distance”.