” A historical perspective “. On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron has unveiled his plan for the automobile. A series of measures of “more than eight billion euros” for the rescue of the automobile sector. A sector strongly affected by the economic crisis caused by the sars coronavirus. It is also to modernize the production to make France a champion of electric vehicles. “The State will bring a little more than 8 billion euros of aid for the sector,” began the head of State delivering a speech in a factory of the equipment manufacturer Valeo in Étaples (Pas-de-Calais).

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The goal is to “make France the first nation producer of vehicles in Europe with more than a million a year within five years the production of electric vehicles, hybrids or rechargeable hybrids” in the country, he announced, to the side of the ministers of the ecological Transition Elizabeth Terminal and of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. To revive sales, which have plummeted during the crisis, Emmanuel Macron has announced an increase in the bonus green to 7 000 euros for the purchase of electric vehicles by individuals and 5,000 euros for businesses, as well as the creation of a bonus of eur 2 000 for plug-in hybrids.

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Is also provided for a strengthening of the system of premium conversion benefits to low-income households for the purchase of a new vehicle against the scrappage of an old vehicle. “An individual who disposes of his vehicle pollutant diesel or gasoline” will receive an assistance of euros 3 000, was increased to 5 000 euros in case of purchase of an electric vehicle, he explained. According to the head of the State, the ” three-quarters of the French will be eligible “, the measure applying to an income tax reference lower than 18 000 € net.

Pressure on Renault

” This is a plan for defending our industrial employment, which is going to be faced with one of the most serious crises of its history. It is a plan of sovereignty automobile industry, which has the vocation to relocate to the value added. […] And thus it is indeed a plan for the future of the automobile, the Twenty-first century, ” stressed the head of State. He stated that the recovery plan, franco-German of about 500 billion euros, which he presented last week with Angela Merkel, had “intended to support the sectors in most difficulty” as the car. During his speech, the president claimed to Renault that “all employees [of the sites] of Maubeuge and Douai may have all the guarantees on their future” within the group, as concerns rise in the Hauts-de-France.

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The loan of € 5 billion guaranteed by the State promised to the manufacturer “cannot be made “before” not be successful ” negotiations, which will begin Monday around the Economy minister Bruno Le Maire, he warned. The group at the diamond must disclose on Friday the outline of a plan to save two billion euros, was announced in February. Emmanuel Macron has announced that Renault had agreed “to join the european programme of electric batteries” worn by the competitor, PSA (Peugeot, Citroen, Opel) and the Saft group, a subsidiary of Total, This decision is part of commitments demanded by the French State in order to promote production in France, in consideration of the assistance provided to the sector.

Before his speech, Emmanuel Macron has been to the channels this factory where 1,500 employees produce 8 million alternators and alternator-starters per year, one every seven seconds. 80 % are export. In the morning, he had exchanged the Élysée palace, Jean-Dominique Senart, the CEO of Renault, and then with some thirty leaders of the automotive sector on the measures to be taken to get out of the slump that this sector, which represents 400 000 direct jobs and 900 000 in total.

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