“in the light of the Corona-crisis has not me the hairdresser already seen longer,” says Harry, cooking, and laughing. Although recently, in times of pandemic, the shops have re-opened, the from hall city (district Bamberg) stem cut end, the former professional football player, a hair needed. “My hair will no longer grow as in the past, and are graying.”

The wild curl mane, for the cooking was well known and especially when 1. FC Kaiserslautern at the “cult-Kicker” rise, is history. His son, Robin, a professional at SC Freiburg and national player, is not as sporty, but not visually in his footsteps. “From the Style, I think I’ll pass on his advice, since I’m better doing my own thing. I have Curls, fortunately, not the one he had,” said cook of the junior in an Interview with the Online Portal “sports buzzer” in March.

cook is a senior this looks similar to: “He can be glad that he has not inherited my hair.” While Robin cook is at the beginning of a promising career, is the active time of Harry cooking a long time in the past. In 2006, the hall stadter ended in the Jersey of the regional team Trier Eintracht his career. Until 2011, the 50-Year-old as coach of SV Dörrbach the football remained, since then, cooking is following a new career path.

a Lot of contact with people

First, cook worked up to 2016, as the health Manager for officials and road master for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Then he moved back to Kaiserslautern and is since then in the document and data destruction for a global company.

cooking is for Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland divided and on the road a lot. His customers educate to be disposed of as collected data in a professional manner. “This is not just an office job, but a job that has a lot to do with people.”

As it drew him back to “the building”, he was asked whether he could imagine this Job. “In this profession, it is important to have the Trust of the people. Since I have it as a well-known Person easier.”

cooking destroys data at four meters shredding

Whether it’s private clients or large companies – Harry cook will contact the customer to and for the organizational area of responsibility.

the files are shredding Destroyed, among other things, with four-metre-high high-performance. For the industry, the destruction of data, mainly a date of great importance: the 25 was in the last few years. May 2018.

Since then, strict privacy policies, and violations will be punished with up to four percent of its annual sales. “Before, it was 50 000 Euro. Four percent can bring to the company but rather in problems.” Photo: archive/private cult-Kicker Harry cook: From the attack to the data destructor

With the stricter guidelines, the job situation changed. “It became more, because this is a highly sensitive topic.”

Also in Corona-times have to do the data destroyer tidy. “There are industries, such as the Doctors, who have taken the time to even tidy up”, shows cooking is an example.

Other sectors of the economy, such as the automotive industry, would have had in the past weeks, however, only a little to Destroy. Almost without limitations, Koch was able to pursue the last of his work.

“I have also worked in the Home Office, and am in the middle of may also, again at the customer’s site, of course with the usual Hygiene and safety measures.”

For the past eight years, the hall stadter, who is a professional in new Ways, a return to the football business is currently not an issue. “Never say never. But the football still takes a lot of time,” says Koch, who is trying to be at every home match of the SC Freiburg to support son Robin.

And also the games of his second son Louis, who plays for SV Alsenborn in the A-class Kaiserslautern-donnersberg, followed cooking on a regular basis.

it Should cook back in the football, then just in the professional area. The FCK chef wanted to get in a couple of years ago as a youth coach and applied – however, the traditional club from the Betzenberg, opted for other candidates and against the former darling of the public.

Koch is a Re-Start of the Bundesliga is important for

That the 1. and 2. League the game up and running under a strict hygiene concept, it keeps cooking for the right one. “It is important that the League plays again. It goes without viewers, of course, is annoying.” With son Robin cook was in a state of constant exchange, and stated: “The boys were in complete Isolation and are eager to play again.”

Although Robin has only played for three years in the Bundesliga, he has his father, who was the shooter as a tough defender and secure a penalty, somewhat in advance of: Robin cook national players. “It’s not enough for me, even if I was on the verge of. But then-national coach Berti Vogts has opted for Marco entrepreneurial,” says Harry cook.

Right answer

For the case that the father has to the son, some of the cheeky saying listen, Harry cook prepared: “If he arrives, I can’t say that I Cup am the winner and German champion and the Champions League is played. There’s something wrong with him for a little bit,” says Harry, cooking, and laughing.

This article was written by Tobias Herrling

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*The contribution of “cult-Kicker Harry cook: From attack to data destroyer” will be released by inFranken.de. Contact with the executives here.
