Update: The two escaped patients from the forensic unit in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bedburg-Hau are arrested. A spokesman for the Aachen police said on Tuesday evening. The men had been found and that there had been a shooting. One Person was injured. More to come soon.

The men were convicted for robbery offences and sat in October and December 2019, correctional facility, according to police. The circumstances of the escape suggest a speaker, according to the fact that the Duo is prone to violence.

police: “Everything we had on the road, was involved”

in the Morning At 9.30 there was still no trace of the two men. In the night, a helicopter would have been, ten stripes of the Kleve district police and the criminal police the car involved in the search, said a spokeswoman. “Everything we had on the road was involved.”

The Fugitives were brought in on Monday evening, a nurse and a second nurse included. The 38 and 43 years old men had been armed with kitchen knives.

nurse forced to do so, as they would take out the garbage

they had forced their hostage to leave the access door to the enclosed area of the clinic by the gatekeeper to open. The “image” reported, citing the police, the hostage-taker had prompted the nurse to do so, as they would take out the garbage.

“as a result, the outer doors have been opened”, – was stated by the district police in Kleve, Germany. The two men and the nurse had left the clinic and went to the car of the groom, a white Ford Mondeo (mark KLE-S 2521),. Then you had escaped with the vehicle of the groom. Both clinic employees were unharmed.

Both men are now international in the investigation of

written out To the two as a violent force of patients were sought at noon continues. “You don’t know in which direction the way,” said a spokeswoman. The two men were announced internationally wanted. The Dutch authorities had been informed. “What measures the meeting, we do not know but,” said the spokesperson.

It had already received information from the public. As a citizen, the police would have reported vehicles, or suspicious behaviour of Unknown. All Clues will be investigated, according to the spokeswoman. Tips accept any police service. “We are confident that we will track them down and arrest”, a spokesman said.

Parked car is blocking the fire brigade the way – then passers-by leave the muscles play FOCUS Online/Wochit Parked car is blocking the fire brigade the way – then passers-by leave the muscles
