The restrictions because of the Coronavirus will be gradually eased. Also, the border controls to be abolished soon.

The restrictions during the Coronavirus crisis gradually eased. Also with the car, and people must be free to move. The Federal government has decided to relax the border controls carefully.

Update vom 26. May 2020: border controls to be loosened gradually

German interior Minister Horst Seehofer has recently the Plan for the easing of border controls of car drivers* will be presented. the Up to 15. June should be completely abolished. The prerequisite for this is that the “infection happen to be running so low,” says Seehofer (via the world).

The ADAC represents the current situation at the borders as follows: Between Germany , France , Austria and Switzerland there is an Agreement that the checks will continue until August 15. June will be carried out. These are only a sample. Until then, however, may also drive other people except commuters across the border. Border controls after the Luxembourg already on the 15. May abolished in the Netherlands you can drive as well again. Meanwhile, the drive-through to Denmark is possible again. There is a sample, but in the stitch-like controls. Crossings to Poland or Czech Republic are for tourists not yet possible. Who wants to cross the border there, requires a special permit.

first message from the 11. May 2020: continue to Be carried out border controls?

The times in which we were allowed to the house only for valid reasons to leave are over, at least for the Moment. Depending on how the situation develops to the Coronavirus, could reappear stricter rules and output restrictions in force.

Currently, there are more and more loose, even for motorists*. Among other things, shorter jaunts are again in the framework of the Possible. Gradually, the people do not dare even to think of a vacation as tourist establishments are allowed to gradually resume their work*. A trip with the car, for example, seems to be due to the loosening possible. You can travel also in bordering countries?

travel by car: border controls continue to be maintained

The short answer is: no . Still, trips are restricted within Europe is still strong and the number of open border crossings reduced. And Leave only are allowed only with valid reasons . Therefore, according to the ADAC tourist trips abroad continue to be as good as impossible . The currently implemented border controls will still be until at least 15. May maintained. The Federal police at the borders. Who can’t give a valid reason, will be rejected and must turn back. There was one exception on mother’s day* – visit to the mother was regarded as a valid reason for entry to Germany.

in addition, drivers must also observe the regulations of the neighbouring countries*. Among other things, Austria has border controls to 31. May be extended. In the case of allowed to Enter Poland or Czech Republic only people with special permits are allowed in. However, commuters must provide all 14 days of a negative Coronavirus Test.

also read : – pollen and Pollen on the car: How do you get rid of them.

This is true in the case of returnees from abroad

German citizens as well as persons with a residence permit in Germany are allowed to . at any time return from abroad However, passengers must remain at the end of two weeks in home quarantine and the health Department report. This regulation applies also to the 15. May.

of people who were not for more than 24 hours abroad are Excluded, for example, commuters. However, the exceptions only apply if there is no Covid-19-symptoms are detectable.

border crossings are currently only for commuters, business travelers and goods under certain conditions. Tourist travel is still prohibited.

interesting : New road Traffic regulations, a “driving-event”: the German automobile club exerts sharp criticism.


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