The intra-party dispute is not over at the AfD without a trace. She falls in the polls. The social Democrats can, however, increase slightly. For two of the government’s covenants, there would be more fixes.

Berlin (dpa) – For the AfD, it’s a survey, slightly down in the polls, while the SPD gains. In the “Insa-opinion-trend” for the “image”-newspaper, the AfD loses a point, and thus it falls to 9.5 percent – according to the figures, the worst value since the beginning of August 2017.

In the AfD makes raging currently, the struggle for the expulsion of the right wing Andreas Kalbitz. In mid-may, his party had been cancelled membership from the Federal Executive.

SPD to a point and is now at 15 percent, the Left is gaining half a point and ends up at 8 percent. The CDU and CSU remain together at 37 percent. Also, the Greens (18 per cent) and the FDP (6 percent) hold the values of the last week. Thus, both the Grand coalition of the CDU and the SPD (52 percent), as well as a black-green coalition (55 per cent) were in the majority. Green, the SPD and the Left together reach 41 percent.