Still, the boundaries are tight. Turkey hopes that this will change soon, and the Federal government’s worldwide travel warning reversing before the summer holidays to Turkey.

The chances are – at least currently – good. The Federal government is preparing, although currently a worldwide travel warning for tourists from the age of 15. June, it should allow the development of the Corona pandemic,. But Turkey is not among the 31 European States, for the the for 17. March outspoken travel warning should be lifted.

Also, the Turkish authorities have imposed a travel ban. Affected several, from Coronavirus-affected States, including Germany. A concrete date of when tourists are allowed to re-enter, does not exist officially yet. Turkey is preparing to receive starting in mid-June, tourists from abroad.

and That should please a lot of travelers from Germany To Spain and Italy, Turkey is the third favorite destination of Germans. But how a holiday could be like?

flights to Turkey from June – Corona Tests on entry

arriving by plane, nothing stands in the way. The semi-state airline, Turkish Airlines had a flight stop over for international flights can last up to 1. June, renewed June, however, the mutual air traffic with Germany but back. German tourists should only travel with Charter flights to Turkey.

After the Opening for international flights to be carried out at border crossing points, such as at the airport of Antalya, Corona Tests. Vacationers do not have to wait for the result, but will only be contacted in the event of a positive outcome in your Hotel.

TÜV is involved: Strict Hygienev instructions in Turkish Hotels

Hotels and Restaurants are subject to strict Corona pads. Turkey has developed a certification procedure with 132 criteria. Thomas Bareiß, tourism officer of the Federal government, has worked to ensure that the TÜV is involved. The artists in Germany trust, insured Bareiß the Turkish tourism Minister.

the measures include equipment of the Hotels with protective clothing, as well as the development of hygiene regulations and clearance rules for example. The staff should receive pandemic training.

food and drinks are to be issued by the staff, Buffets with plexiglass Windows will be backed up. Luggage is treated with disinfectants.

hotel guests must be able to a distance of 1.5 m meet at the tables, and queues, but also with their sun beds on the beach. On the beaches of the Mediterranean, it should be only many give.

by the Way, a enter entry exception there is already: people from certain countries who want to take in Turkey for medical treatment, may also from abroad. This also applies to German citizens.

mask duty in super markets and public transport

In Turkey, on market places, in supermarkets and in public transport, a mask of duty ; in some towns and areas everywhere in the public space. Social distance ( three steps ) is called, violators will be punished.

Overall, the Turkish government relaxes its restrictions further. So, hairdressers and shopping centres are allowed to open again. The Grand Bazaar of Istanbul opens on 1. June .

For the long weekend 23.-26. May there is a General curfew for all of the 81 provinces in Turkey. In addition, travel restrictions will apply in 23 provinces. The entry and exit is allowed only with the permission of the Governor. Affected are the following provinces: Ankara, Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Mardin, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Van and Zonguldak.

return to Germany: the rules for mandatory Quarantine note

Currently, two-week home quarantine is according to the Federal government from third countries to Germany travellers . Turkey-holiday-makers should the start of the journey prior to travel with the current regulations for re-entry into Germany to familiarize.

Turkish foreign Minister: “holidays safe and carefree”

The Turkey is dependent on tourists: 2019, the country took approximately 31.9 billion euros through tourism. Holidaymakers from Germany play a great role.

However, the measures sufficient to guarantee a safe holiday in the Corona of a pandemic? “This summer, we expect our German friends to a safe and carefree holiday in Turkey,” says Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on the website of the Ministry.

Current Corona-the situation in Turkey: case

Ankara declined approximately 156 registered 000 infections with the Coronavirus and 4308 deaths (as of: 24.05.) reported. Currently the official case numbers are on the decline. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca sees the pandemic in Turkey under control.

summer vacation cancel: Free cancellation is only possible

Crucial for the cancellation of the planned summer vacation is that the circumstances of “force majeure” to exist at the time of Travel. When you travel abroad, up to the age of 14. June imposed a global travel warning as “force majeure”. If the trip is planned to a later point in time may not be on a cancellation free of charge familiar. The pure fear of developing a disease is not sufficient to cancel a trip free of charge. The tour operator says, however, the trip itself, he must refund the price of the trip.

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