Since the Wednesday morning raids against 31 alleged rich citizens to run. Especially in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen apartments to be searched.

police officers are currently browsing apartments of around 31 alleged rich citizens . The raids focus on rich citizens in the state of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse. In the Morning the search continued.

Stuttgart – Further blow to the Kingdom citizens scene : search For the morning hours, cops in the apartments of 31 alleged rich citizens. In focus 25 living objects in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen , such as the state office of criminal investigation Baden-Württemberg on Wednesday. The accused were leaders and members of the rich citizens ‘ organisations “Republic of Baden” and “Free people’s state of Württemberg”, as well as their umbrella organization “of the States of the German Empire”.

raids against the Reich citizenship: office of the public Prosecutor cast forgery of a document before

The information, according to the state, accuse prosecutors of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe under commercial air forgery and property damage . The Suspects are expected to have driver’s licenses, passports and nationality certificates, and fake manufactured. In addition, they are accused of, mass faxes with state of the deniers of the contents, to have to different authorities sent out.

The search headquarters at Karlsruhe, Konstanz, Mannheim, Offenburg, Pforzheim, Reutlingen and Ulm are held in the area of competence of the police. Also a special operations command is in use . The raids continued in the Morning.

Also interesting: In March, German interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had an anti-Semitic rich citizens group to ban. In General, the scene is under close observation. In Bavaria, there are estimates of the Ministry of interior, according to the* currently, a minimum of 3000 rich citizens.

for More information on rich citizens and an assessment of how dangerous they are, you will receive in the following Video.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.