Isabelle Balkany is a grand-mother charming, that her grandchildren call ” Mamisa “. Its page on Facebook, she posts pictures with her “kids” or ” goblins “, has published pictures of its déconfinement country in its mill in Giverny, france and give news of her husband, Patrick Balkany, with whom she recently celebrated its 44 years of marriage. The love, humor and kindness fill his account Facebook. And then, sometimes, “mamisa” is unleashed.

It was still done on Tuesday, the eve of his conviction and sentence on appeal to four years in prison (and five for her husband). In a long letter published on her behalf Facebook, Isabelle Balkany pours out his wrath against Agnès Pottier-Dumas. There are still a few months, ex-collaborator of Patrick Balkany at the town hall of Levallois-Perret was packed full of qualities. Also, she is the former director of the office of the mayor, that Patrick Balkany has been chosen to be the head of the list in the local elections, once his ineligibility pronounced by the justice, in December.

But, since April, one passed in the opposite excess. Agnès Pottier-Dumas became the woman to beat. Here is some evidence, drawn on the account Facebook of Isabelle Balkany : “It has ( … ) during this whole period of electoral campaign, given the evidence of a coldness, an arrogance and a lack of empathy for Levalloisiens, that, beyond the autocongratulations, it registered a low score in the first round, and this, in spite of the total support of my husband. Patrick Balkany trusted him, because she was a good collaborator administrative… But, once again, the proof is made that a(e) the technocrat is not fit to lead a country or a city ! “


In Levallois-Perret (france), municipal elections have taken on an air of settlement of accounts of filial and family. According to the weekly Marianne, Agnès Pottier-Dumas is alleged to have committed a crime of lese majesty by refusing to spouses Balkany a position once elected. A place at the directorate of communication of the town hall for the ladies, another to the development society of Levallois-Perret to sir. They support him anyway for the first round, she won with 34.6% of the vote. Without doubt they hope so that it turns around. But she does not change her mind. In April, the epidemic due to the coronavirus awakens a hope in Patrick Balkany : a cancellation of the elections. He changed his gun to the shoulder. He now wants to fight for the one he considers as a félonne trying to gang up against it by its opponents. Among these, Arnaud de Courson, rival de Balkany, the mayor took as head of the Turkish in the municipal council.

We will pack up the rancour in the closet. Balkany even invite him, in his moulin de Giverny, Courson, as well as Maud Bergeon, the candidate LREM (who refuses to go there) and Lees Messafta, a young centrist candidate. The calculation of Balkany is arithmetic, failing to be consistent. This is Isabelle Balkany, which, again, exposes it on Facebook : “It is clear that if there is a gathering of the four other candidates, this list will represent 70 % of the votes of the Levalloisiens in the first round, and regardless of its leader, it will comprise of elected representatives of value that will make excellent elected officials. “

also Read “Grain of rice” : accused of racism, Isabelle Balkany defends itself

Agnès Pottier-Dumas does not and should not the chair of mayor, insists Isabelle Balkany : “Without legitimacy, since it is neither elected or local officer, which is a problem for his account of the campaign, it has, since the beginning of the pandemic, has been constantly present at the town hall, “directing” personally the mayor acting and, after an inertia sidereal and a total lack of response to the questions and expectations of Levalloisiens, she has made decisions inconsistent and absurd, devoid of any common sense and pragmatism, demonstrating an incompetence obvious. “

Answer crushing

In Levallois, the show never stops really. The case, already funny, takes on a family with the debut of the daughter of the couple Balkany, Vanessa, and half-brother of Patrick, Julien Balkany (they have the same father). The two have the wrong to keep the first notice of the family, by ranking behind Agnès Pottier-Dumas, and stick to it. Writing on the social networks to the candidate, Vanessa Balkany said : “I am all heart and full support with you and with your team close-knit and dynamic for LEVALLOIS. “

also Read “I thought I was at the end of life” : Patrick Balkany is a book after his release

The response of his mother, lashing, is almost immediate : “My darling, as I’m glad to see that you have waited 43 years to take care of Levallois, you who has (sic) always hated this city, pretending that our love for the Levalloisiens we could have prevented it (re-sic) to be sufficiently attentive with you ! To the point, not to speak the word, during the confinement of my hospital discharge, but spend your time to yell at your children ! But you’re my daughter and I forgive you, even if I find trouble with my “elves” of Levallois offers me (re-sic) more love than you ! As I am heart-broken that you use social networks to spread public your heartburn and your bitterness ! Kisses. “

“My dear brother-in-law”

Julien Balkany is also taken for his degree. The businessman, who has already submitted, without success, in the legislative elections in Levallois-Perret in 2012, publishes a message of support to the candidate LR : “In this period of turbulence, I reiterate my unwavering support and my friendship true to Agnes who will make a very good mayor and will be elected a copy with an uncompromising commitment to the service of its citizens. “

He also has a right to the anger ironic, Isabelle Balkany : “My dear brother-in-law, as we are happy to hear from you ! It is true that your life in New York, the Uae and London do you has ever given the opportunity, for months, to put the feet in Levallois and enjoy the work of a team ! You should know that the policy is not a simple one, thou, who, in the legislative, have wanted to represent the French in the United States and that, despite your great intelligence, has been rolled by the voters ! Do you think really that your brother takes decisions without deeper reasons and major ? This would be a poor know ! Kisses. “”Mamisa” had to, then, return to the flowers of Giverny, with its “kids” and his ” elves “.

writing will advise you

Isabelle Balkany, the maintenance that she may regret