“supply If there is in Russia a bottleneck, I am very much in favour of patients from Russia. We have the capacity for it,” said Matthias Kochanek, Director of the medical intensive care medicine at the University clinic in Cologne, of the DW. The hospital has approximately beds, 120 intensive care, but patients with COVID-19, the have to be artificially ventilated, there is currently no. According to the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and emergency medicine (DIVI) are evidenced by the over 30,000-intensive, only slightly more than half of the beds in Germany.

so Far, only Corona may be placed according to a decision at the Federal level, patients from the EU countries Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands for treatment to Germany. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn stressed at the end of April: “The treatment of the costs in Germany, which is our understanding of European solidarity.” The alleged costs, the Ministry is estimated at up to 20 million euros. North Rhine-Westphalia was one of the first States to the Corona-patient from Italy began. The experiences were both for the patient as well as the hospital staff is positive, reports Matthias Kochanek.

Corona outbreak in Russia

in addition to Cologne is also the University hospital of Bonn ready to patients from Russia. Wolfgang Holzgreve, Medical Director and Chairman of the Board of the clinic, explained that normally would be repeatedly treated patients from Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, due to the existence of Corona-restrictions could currently enter no patients from Russia to Germany.

In Russia, the number of Corona infections is increased within the shortest period of time quickly. Most of the cases there is in the capital city of Moscow. According to government data the country has been widely tested, in the meantime, more than 360,000 people positive for the Virus, more than 3000 died. In no other country of Europe are there so many Diseased such as in Russia.

the Initiative of the German Federal States of

in view of the development in Russia the other day the Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer told the news portal “der Spiegel”: “It would be a strong sign of the European Union, if we would also treat patients from Russia with us.” This should actually be a matter of course. “We are trying overall to help in Europe. And I think we should also show solidarity with Russia”, – said the Prime Minister.

According to Kretschmer, the governing mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller offered, the treatment of Russian Corona-patients. The newspaper “daily mirror”, he said: “our partner Moscow city, I have submitted an offer. Yet there was no reaction, but I’m still open.” A request from the DW to the city of Moscow and the Russian foreign Ministry to offer from Berlin and Saxony remained previously unanswered.

offers of other provinces are not available currently. A spokeswoman for the state Chancellery of the land North Rhine-Westphalia, told DW, the state had taken “as a gesture of genuine European solidarity to the test of its own capacities, COVID-19-patients from the most affected regions in Italy and France, as well as from the neighboring Netherlands”. A corresponding official request from the Russian government has not yet been received but, according to the state Chancellery.

Who would pay for the cost of the treatment? to help

if The willingness is great, but it is unclear who is responsible for questions relating to the offer of treatment responsible. Sebastian Gülde, a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of health, said recently at a press conference, “the initiatives for the treatment of foreign patients, mainly from Russia, come from the provinces themselves, in this respect, the country are responsible”. So, among other things, the hospitals themselves would have to clarify, how many ventilator beds could be provided for patients from abroad is available.

But the Germans need to clarify hospitals, the financing of a treatment. Usually this is done individually with a foreign patient or his insurance. It is a lot of money. “Two weeks in intensive care with artificial ventilation is not cost tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands of euros per Patient,” said Konstantin Virko by the German company blue / red, which is for many years in the field of medical tourism, the DW. Virko doubts, however, that the German authorities will be ready, the cost of treatment for Corona to take the Sick out of Russia, as it is done in patients from several EU countries.

The majority of Russian patients, with those blue / red working together, pay their bills in Germany. Some get help from foundations. But there are also patients who are treated at the expense of the Russian Ministry of defense or Ministry of health, such as, for example, the Russian dancer and former Director of the Bolshoi ballet, Sergei Filin. He was brought to an acid attack to the rehab to Aachen. The previous practice had shown, so Virko that the German authorities, the cost of treatment not take.

author: Natalia Smolentceva (mo)

In the PCP In the

*The contribution to “Will get in Germany Corona-patient from Russia?” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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