Corona swirls all mixed up: Actually, on the 22. May be announced to those who devote 2025, the world Ski Championships. Now it is targeting for the award of an appointment in the autumn.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – The tension is rising: There is a date for the award of the Alpine Ski world Championships in 2025. The world Federation FIS announced in a press release, the 3. October as the day of the decision. Whether or not this appointment, but indeed, it is unclear whether the Saalbach-Hinterglemm (Austria), Crans Montana (Switzerland) or to Garmisch-Partenkirchen will host the ski stars, in the stars.

The FIS makes the ceremonial of your Congress-dependent. This type of General shareholders ‘ meeting shall heuer 4 in the small Form on the. October take office election of the new Federation President in Zurich in a day. Normally, the representatives of 130 Nations are coming for a week and days before the important decisions are taken. 16. to 23. May would also be flown in a Delegation from the SC Garmisch to Pattaya in Thailand, where the world Cup host city should be announced for 2025.

replacement date replacement date

the Corona-pandemic runs everything else. “Our deadline is the 1. August,“ emphasizes Jenny Wiedeke, a spokesperson of the FIS. “If Congress on this day, for the 4. October is confirmed, the WM-assignment at 3. October go on the stage.“ The global Corona-Situation but also in this case a large question mark hovering over any big event. The winter athletes are not exempt. “If a decision on 1. August is not possible to move the Congress in the November, probably in the 19th century.“, stresses Wiedeke. “Then the Cup would fall decision the day before.” But there is a third possibility: if the Meeting of the FIS Board of Directors in November is still feasible, it will be moved the entire event to June 2021, where in Portoroz/Slovenia, the spring meeting is already scheduled. “If it comes to that, would have to decide the FIS Council, whether the world Cup-the award also transferred on June or, if not, online is decided.”

also read: application to the world Ski Championships in 2025: Vision Kandahar from Garmisch-Partenkirchen item comes well

clarity looks different. So much is certain. “We all hope that the date works in October,” says Wiedeke. Also, the FIS wanted a solution, as is well known, the highest office of President Gian-Franco Kasper has to be re-assigned. Peter Fischer, head of the Garmisch-Partenkirchner world Cup bid, provides for the appointment with skepticism. “You have to remember that for the Congress, Council members also from Australia, the USA or Asia would have to come.” If it works in Corona-times? Fischer considers that it is at least questionable. “I can’t Yes no say you can.”

Sporty time window for application Committee

it Should with the 3. October, as the Contracting date valves, waits a lot of work in a short period of time on the application Committee, which consists solely of the world Cup-OK Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Significantly, the German ski Federation (DSV) is involved, as he applies for the fights, sort of, with the organizer Garmisch-Partenkirchen to the title. “If the decision on 1. August, we have a sporty time frame of two months,“ says Fischer. Because so far, it is unclear how the application will be exactly. “There is a presentation, how many people are allowed to participate, what if it comes at the end of only online?” Many of the questions, the Fischer sees unanswered. “We currently have zero points, as the process will take place. And, basically, we can prepare us only partially to the fact.“

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About all world Cup organisers, the floats, the uncertainty of how the series in the coming Winter is going to expire. “Currently, we are planning as if the race would normally take place,” says Fischer. If it’s not? “Then it gets interesting with insurance companies and others.”

in Terms of the world Cup award that he would have had no Problem to move the date to 2021. “For experienced and good organizers four years would lead no Problem,” he explains. “And are all three candidates.” He should choose it himself, he wishes for a presentation to the Council, the European Parliament has a better transport. “But this is my personal opinion, will decide the FIS.” On 1. August?