you have a “modified view” on the question of whether it was the government, what takes place in private homes, makes Merkel clearly. Because “No man wants to apartments by sniffing, this is a completely wrong question.” You think it is but nevertheless important to the People and say: “look, if we celebrate in a confined space for a Party.” Every citizen must know how to carry the infection to happen or can be avoided and you can avoid it with very simple measures. “That’s been important that we say this in all clarity.”

A journalist asks Merkel what she says to the thrust of the Thuringian Minister President, announced the beginning of the week to all of the measures cancel out. “I say it quite openly, the messages were a bit ambiguous”, alleges the Chancellor of the Thuringian Minister President. You will find that the minimum distance of a commitment. Also, because he is insurance for people who are affected. “I live not alone,” adds the Chancellor to put it crudely.

Merkel says that it is necessary to continue, “was very carefully and very mindfully be”

“It’s a very focused advice today,” says Merkel, the conference with the Minister-presidents of the new countries and thus ends your Statement. Now time for the questions of the journalists.

“We are still at the beginning of the pandemic. We have no vaccine, we have no active ingredient.“ Nevertheless, you have the Situation more under control. “The citizens have it in Hand,” says the Chancellor and thanked the German for the care and cooperation in the crisis. However, the danger of a relapse, a second shaft, still existed, the Chancellor significantly. It was but still, “to be very careful and very mindful”.

Now Chancellor Merkel speaks. “That the Federal government and the Länder have worked jointly in the crisis, has contributed to the past success in coping with the crisis decisively,” says the Chancellor. “I can tell you that the Federal government is pursuing, of course, the Situation is exactly the same as”, stressed Merkel. The Federation and the Länder will continue to work together. Screenshot/Phoenix Angela Merkel at the press conference on 27. May in Berlin.

“I want to always remember that we have a very lot of very well managed,” says Berlin of the heads of government. Merkel had steered the country in the current crisis well, but now the States are asked. Furthermore, the replacement of the Prime Minister with the Chancellery, but it is essential.

First of all, Berlin’s Director speaks to the governing mayor. Müller stressed, hopefully in the Corona-crisis continue to be the support of the citizens.

Now, Chancellor Merkel stands in front of the representatives of the press. Together with Berlin’s regierendem mayor Michael Müller (SPD), opened the press conference.

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