Many well-known weather phenomena such as rain and Thunderstorms can leave characteristic traces. If they petrify, they can be found millions of years later. “We show beautiful storm sediments with mussel shells and bone remains of marine saurians,” said Werne castle. Also called the flash tubes were part of the exhibition. “This is what remains of a Thunderstorm, when the lightning flash with high temperature, shoots in the sandy soil.” So glass tubes would be with root structures.

The objects came from different corners of the world, such as Morocco. But also the Thuringian specimens, such as Werne castle said. “From the quarry to Tabarz, we have impressions of rain drops, which are remained in the mud.”

visitors should take care because of the Coronavirus in the Museum due to rules. You should wear a mouth-nose protection and a minimum distance to other people bar keep in the Museum. The Museum is in the Foyer and also hand sanitizer.
