More than two weeks after you have been able to find the pleasure of pulling out in them without a certificate of travel, the French will know, this Thursday, may 28, the content of the act II of the déconfinement. Under high pressure to loosen the vise, Édouard Philippe and his government have act II of the déconfinement Thursday, with easing expected from the 2 June in light of a health situation, which is encouraging.

The measures will be decided on Thursday morning by defence council, after a first release on the 11th of may, with a view to the recovery of the economic activity. This will be presented to 17 hours by Édouard Philippe, and several ministers. According to a government source, the executive is considering reopening on June 2, hotels-cafés-restaurants in the green zone. In contrast, in the red zone, and so to Paris, they could not reopen their doors… on the 1st of July.

Read also The main trade union of hotels and restaurants puts a lot of pressure on Édouard Philippe

limit of 100 km “will increase”

Another puff of air considered : the reopening of the parks and gardens everywhere, but with the mask in the red zone. The topic is the subject of a pass of arms in Paris between the government and the mayor of socialist Anne Hidalgo who argued ardently for their reopening. Especially as the health conditions improve, with reflux continued gravely ill in the icu (1 501 Wednesday, which is 54 less than the previous day). Since the beginning of march, the virus has killed 28 596 persons (+ 66 in 24 hours), of which almost half were living in long-term care facilities and other institutions. “The circulation of the virus has largely slowed,” according to the first conclusions of the device of tracing the Safely.

at the present time, four regions (Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Is Great, and Burgundy and Franche-Comté) as well as Mayotte are colored in red and their presidents are pushing to get out. Parents also expect to know if the students of 4th and 3rd, or even the high school students will be permitted to return to the course and how the oral tray of French will be organized.

also Read “the institutions of the Fifth Republic are more suited to crisis management”

Regarding transportation, the secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne said that the circle set to the time at 100 km to flight of bird ” can be increased in a concentric manner “. But in transit, the port of the mask will remain compulsory “as long as you don’t have a treatment” against the Covid-19, said on Wednesday the minister of the Transition, ecological and solidarity-based Elizabeth Terminal. And sports clubs are also waiting for a green light, while several neighbouring countries have re-opened swimming pools, gym and fitness club under certain conditions.

StopCovid adopted by the Parliament

With the removal of the spectre of a second wave of the epidemic, Emmanuel Macron and his government also wish to demonstrate the success of the déconfinement and exceed the reviews on the masks and the testing of the beginning of the crisis. Even if the controversies continue : the Parliament backed on Wednesday night, in a vote which is not binding, the application for smartphones StopCovid, a tracing tool to assist in the fight against the epidemic, but considered as “liberticide” by critics, including a few detracting voices within the party presidential LREM. Clivante, the application was rejected by the leader of the Republicans in the Assembly Damien Abad, but supported by his counterpart in the Senate by Bruno Retailleau.

Another explosive issue : hydroxychloroquine. After weeks of controversy, the government has put an end Wednesday to the authorization of the drug against the Covid-19 to the hospital, defending himself from any decision-making “policy” against the controversial Pr Didier Raoult, which promotes a treatment of the Covid linking this molecule to an antibiotic. The institute headed by the professor, IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, has indicated that it would “continue to treat” his patients ” with the treatments best suited “.

also Read François Hollande : “I have my share of responsibility in the situation of the hospital”

$ 38.7 billion of grants of the european Commission

the urgency for The executive to relaunch the economic machine whereas 84% of the French say they are worried about the recession that is expected to greatly exceed the 8 % envisaged by the government this year. In the second quarter alone, the fall in GDP could reach ” about 20 % “, after 5.8% in the first, said on Wednesday the Insee.

Emmanuel Macron has released Tuesday, eight billion euros to rescue the automotive industry, strongly affected by the crisis of the sars coronavirus. Aid that will add up to 3 billion euros of exemptions from social contributions promised to the other affected areas, restaurant, tourism, culture, etc. in order to avoid bankruptcies and layoffs.

Read also Luc Chatel : “Our automobile plants need to restart”

France, could also benefit from a plan of 750 billion euros of the european Commission, is designed to revive the economies of european countries who have paid an exorbitant price to the pandemic. France is the fourth largest recipient (after Spain, Italy and Poland) with $ 38.7 billion of subsidies.

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