What, exactly, should the climate Committee will be responsible for the Weilheimer city Council re-established? So it went this week in a joint meeting with the building Committee. Because the Latter wanted to take the Green-group responsibility for environmental issues.

Weilheim – applications of the strong growth in the Green group (it has doubled the number of its councillors in the municipal election in 2020 from three to six) were far-reaching: In the rules of procedure of the city Council for the term 2020-2026, the claim should solved the “environmental aspect” from the jurisdiction description of the building Commission and the new climate Committee will be assigned, which was installed as a result of a citizen’s application for Declaration of a climate state of emergency. Which would mean, among other things,: “All the Affairs of nature and environmental protection” as well as “the climate and energy Affairs of construction, housing and Municipal services and transport planning” – the formulation of the Green – would be the discuss in the climate Committee.

climate Committee is only to item climate protection concept for because home work out

This went on for most of the other members of the two committees, but too far. The climate change Committee, which is generally only vorberatend not to get in “as much detail”, but instead a framework in the Form of a municipal climate protection concept, – said Claus Reindl (BfW). If “otherwise, you would have to give almost everything only for the preliminary examination in the climate Committee,” warned Horst Martin (SPD): The effort would be huge, and the city Council would paralyze myself. Klaus guest (CSU) offered a description shared by most of the participants: The climate Committee should be “an additional panel for Input”, it “also cross imaginary ideas”. But should not be taken to the other committees competencies. The construction must also be environmentally responsible, so a guest, “not to separate”.

Also, the mayor, Markus Loth (BfW) campaigned in favour of dealing with the climate Committee only “principle topics” and “topics of special importance” – as a guide for other bodies. “We need a little bit of learning-by-doing”, the town hall-chief: After a couple of months to see “what works and what does not.”

responsibilities should remain as they are

“Larger issues” – as the current examples of the blueprints for the Dietmayr-Anger between the Au and the Pöltner Church, or even for the garden were called to the South of the krumpper place – was it also in the climate Committee to discuss, it was said at the joint meeting on the last Tuesday in the town hall. You would have to show in concrete projects, what it means climate protection goals, asked about Andreas Halas (ÖDP). However, the responsibilities, the General Tenor of the session, should be avoided ultimately remain as they are, and “double-treatments”. Here, Stefan Emeis (Green) pointed out that climate protection in the German building code was taken into account. The Council must ensure that the “generation task” climate protection “gets more face in the city,” said Emeis, a professional in the field of climate research and in the new city Council as an environmental and climate speaker acts.

The compromise proposal for the rules of procedure of the city Council of the building Committee and the climate Committee approved each unanimously; it is also the Green-representative with bear. Accordingly, the climate change Committee should be responsible “for all the fundamental matters of the climate-, environmental-, nature – and species protection”. Specifically, it should go mainly to the creation and implementation of a municipal climate protection concept, as well as to the energy balance of urban real estate.

Agenda 21-groups will not be allowed to vote invited but

the names of The committees are to remain, unlike the Greens, initially, wanted – as you are: The new, only preliminary advice to the panel is operating simply as a “climate Committee”. And the construction part of it is also choosing to be responsible, as previously, with a full name of “the Committee for construction matters, urban development and the environment”. Meetings of the Committee on Climate change would now take place in the regular Committee weeks, Then Tuesdays of the building Committee, Wednesday, the main Committee and on Fridays the climate Committee meets. On the Thursday of the following week, in General the city Council meeting is.

To the climate Committee meetings on occasion,” said mayor Loth, also the spokesman of the Agenda 21-groups will be invited”. You may join the discussion in the new Committee, but not vote, as it is also in the Committee on transport is the case where several professionals are represented, the voting rights will be reserved but the city Council members.

About the Changes in the rules of procedure, on which this combined meeting of the building Committee and climate Committee, agreed, it is definitively decided in the June meeting of the city Council.

also read: The circle tags group of the Greens from doubt, according to their Chairman Karl-Heinz Grehl because home to the “Committee on the effectiveness of the grouping CSU/FDP/Bavaria party”. What does this mean?

planning for the flood protection “is because home South” in the year 2021 is to be completed, there is nothing. In the Committee meeting of the Weilheimer city Council, there was talk of 2024 – if it runs well.