in Spite of his misconduct in the Corona-crisis, the resignation for the British government’s adviser Dominic Cummings is not an option. In Protest, another member of the government takes now but his hat.

London (Reuters) – a Protest against the behaviour of the British government’s adviser Dominic Cummings in the Corona-crisis, Secretary of state, Douglas Ross, has resigned.

Cummings Interpretation of the output restrictions “are not able to understand most of the people that follow the rules of the government,” wrote Ross, Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In Johnson’s Conservative party, there had been earlier sharp criticism of Cummings. British commentators conclude further back from kicks.

“I have voters that were not able to say goodbye to their loved one, families could not mourn together, people who visited their sick Relatives because they followed the rules of the government,” the Secretary of state for Scotland. He could not but say to all, you are wrong, and Cummings is right.

Cummings had allegations on Monday in a one-hour press conference, he tried to ignore the output limitations with a trip to his parents, to be strictly rejected. He does not regret his behavior, and I’ve also never made a withdrawal in the recital, so Cummings, considered to be highly intelligent and unpredictable.

The chief consultant had given as the reason for the trip at the end of March to Durham in the North East of England, that he wanted to ensure the care of his little son: His wife was suffering from Covid-19, and he had expected to be a contagion. Great indignation aroused in great Britain that he was driven from there to a about 50 kilometers away in the castle, to test according to their own statements of his eyesight after surviving the infection. The incident was by a display to light.

There is great concern in the national health service, NHS, that Cummings’s Statements could weaken the trust in the government and in measures for pandemic containment, said Niall Dickson of the umbrella organisation the NHS Confederation. “You can’t say it often enough, that the instructions have actually saved thousands of lives,” he told the BBC. Spiritual, the Cummings had criticized, were according to their own information via social media death threats.

statement of Secretary of state