However, in the South? A key issues paper of the Federal government, points the way for a Start in the summer holidays in Europe. Details have yet to be clarified.

Berlin (dpa) – before the start of the holiday season, the Federal government wants to pave the way for cross-border summer vacation in Europe.

global travel warning for tourists to 15 from the. June will be reserved for 31 European countries, if the further development of the Corona of a pandemic to allow it. The travel industry welcomed the plans, consumer advocates called for sufficient certainty and clarity for holidaymakers.

After foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) has been in talks with the European neighboring States and important countries of destination of German, to be replaced the travel warning due to individual trip notes to show for each country the risks. Travel in States and regions should be possible and at the same time, the economic stability in the countries that are secure.

“The Federal government is seeking from the age of 15. June 2020, the travel to the member States of the European Union, the Schengen associated States and the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland to the extent of the situation development allows to re-enable” it says in a benchmark paper, was agreed on Tuesday between the Federal Ministry and the German press Agency was present. When the Cabinet decides, is still open. According to information from government circles, this is for the 3. June sought.

In focus: common criteria, which must then be with the countries that are matched. So with the Situation in Germany is comparable to Infection is located – are named in the paper 50 cases per 100 000 inhabitants cumulative in the last seven days – as a prerequisite. This is also in Germany the alarm threshold.

viable concepts “for infection control – health protocols in Hotels and pensions, with the clearance rules, a” respiratory etiquette”, masks, ventilation, and disinfection, but also enough treatment places for Locals and tourists, and the Test capacities are Required”. The German missions abroad could assess whether and how such concepts are applied.

the chief of The consumer center Federal Association (vzbv), Klaus Müller, calling it a “hygiene rules should be European uniform”. People belonging to risk groups, “must continue to be the travel warning, unless there are effective and reliable vaccine.”

Difficult – the Discussion shows – seems to be the question of the arrival. The term “transport services” means passenger transportation by plane, Bus or train. On the economic question of the company, how closely the passengers Packed in times of Corona set, not the paper in the dpa, this property is a stand in the Details. Will, be able to mention the call for the mouth-nose protection as well as procedures, such as contact chains, in the case of an infectious case.

on The plane the Middle seat kept free at all, rejects the Association of the German air traffic economy (BDL). The air on Board exchanged all of three minutes to complete. Special filters away bacteria, viruses, fungi, and dust, argued the Association.

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had a global travel warning on may 17. March in favour of a unique step. This ban is not a travel, but travel cancellations booked. Anyone who can’t compete because of the Corona-crisis package, you can request his money back or vouchers to accept.

The Corona-crisis hard hit tourism industry welcomed the plans of the Federal government. “This not only gives the companies in the travel business perspective, but also the many Germans, who are looking forward to your holiday, for example, in the Mediterranean,” said the President of the travel Association DRV, Norbert Fiebig. The summer business trips abroad is normally the strongest sales season for the industry with about 2300 operators and more than 11 000 travel agencies in Germany. Preparations for a Start to the trip abroad business are running at high speed.

CSU-Chef Markus Söder responded, however, behavior. He called on relaxations for holiday travel, the coalition Committee of Union and SPD next week to advise and discuss. He was personally sceptical with regards to major holidays. In Italy and France there are numbers of other Infection. This must be considered at the Federal level, gave Söder to bear in mind. And this could be not a single decision of a Minister, but it was a question of principle of the coalition.

The Italian foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio made, meanwhile, for a joint new beginning of European tourism in mid-June, strong. “We are working towards that, we are at 15. June in Europe all together new 15 may start:. June is for the tourist a bit of the European D-Day,” said Di Maio, the TV channel Rai on Tuesday.

The term “D-Day” is derived from the landing of the allies in Normandy in 1944, and is symbolic of a momentous day. “Germany to controls, at 15. To open June,” said Di Maio, “with Austria, we will be working, and we are working with other European countries.” Italy wants its borders from the 3. June to for tourists to re-open. It is uncertain whether Austria is also open to Italy.

foreign office travel warning due to the Corona-pandemic