Raiffeisenbank starts after your first successful FIFA tournament in April in the second round. When help Cup will be donated per participant ten euros to a charitable organization.

County After the successful #together lonely Cup in April, with 128 participants and will now take place on Saturday, 6. June, the #together Cup instead of help. A football tournament will be played on the Playstation 4, and again by the Moderator Florian von Stackelberg commented. The special this Time: It is a charity tournament.

Ten Euro per player in a non-profit Organisation

For 128 participants Raiffeisenbank Isar donations-loisachtal valley, the Raiffeisenbank im Oberland and the Raiffeisenbank Beuerberg-Eurasburg ten euros per player, paid in a pot for a charitable purpose and then to a charitable organization will be donated. Josef Bernöcker, Deputy Chairman of the management Board of Raiffeisenbank im Oberland, is this idea: “The connection between fun and fighting spirit of young players at the FIFA 20 E-Sports tournament with the issue of charitable status in relation to the current Situation is exactly the right way.”

a Total of 300 euros in prize money for the first three places

of Course, the first three places on an additional price can look forward to money out of a total of 300 Euro. Registrations for all players from the Region are possible from now on raiffeisen.esport-event.de. Deadline to register is 4. June. The tournament begins at 19 PM and will be streamed on www.twitch.tv . For all the players, their Matches stream, there is an Extra prize draw with a Chance to Playstation credit. For spectators, there are twitch.tv a raffle.