According to an analysis of the search engine Google on Thursday, the request “visors instead of masks are buy increased” in the past seven days, by 1300 percent. The question “Where visors are allowed” increased by 170 percent. The search interest for the term “visor” reached according to Google, in this month, a record high.

it will also be noted: A curved plastic plate, transparent, attached to the end of a Ring – the plastic visor can be found increasingly in the supermarket shelves and in the minds of the people. It is intended to serve as an Alternative to the mouth-nose protection, which is mandatory in many areas. Also in some Austrian Restaurants, the service staff wear such protective shields, to avoid droplet infection. An advantage is that The face is completely visible. A disadvantage of The face-shield is not complete.

when a plastic-visor is an Alternative to the mask…

what is Clear is that those who need the Mouth guard of the working day, to wear, to do with the Breathing difficult and including sweating.

in addition, there are people who can not wear a Mouth guard. There are exceptions for those with health problems, dementia, or other mental or physical limitation. For those in the visor is an Alternative, write the experts of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). You could show that you support the measures currently in place for the population and “one, maybe also minimal, and contribution to, the” want to.

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advantages of the visor are:

  • It is easier to breathe than with a mask.
  • The eyes are protected.
  • It prevents a unintentional in the face.
  • Easy to clean.
  • It’s moist all the way through, not like a mask for a long time.

With the subject of Mouth guard or visor has the virologist Alexander Kekulé in his MDR-“Corona-compass” (starting from about Minute 11:44). Such as the mouth, nose coverings (MNB) to the plastic variants droplet interception. In this respect, it is important to distinguish between two droplet types.

The big fly on a straight track and then fall to the ground. “This is the classic droplet infection and would prevent the visor,” explains the virologist.

The other, the small droplets, called aerosols, in the air. Their role in infections is still not fully understood. “I believe that this aerosol infection has been demonstrated in individual cases, overall the epidemiology is not a big role.” Only ten to 20 percent of the expert estimates of their share of the corona infections.

If someone does not speak just risk-patient encounter or longer with other in a closed room, he could put on a visor.

… and when not to use

Else can see it from mind, if lead long conversations, explained Kekulé. There could accumulate quite aerosols in the air, so that even a two meter distance provides sufficient protection.

The Institute for medical Virology at the University of Frankfurt notes: The visor is rather a supplementary measure. Because as a complete protection, the plastic variant’m not good enough”, of course, because it is not a closed System,” according to the “Germany radio”. From the side or from below viruses could still find your way. More to the Coronavirus

Similarly, the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) writes:

“The use of visors may not be considered in our opinion as an equivalent Alternative to MNB .” Although the use of visors will be advertised instead of masks by various manufacturers. However, there is no evidence that this would have a similar Benefit. The data may change here, as is the case with all of the knowledge about the Coronavirus, of course, adds to the RKI.

in Particular, it is crucial that the mouth-nose protection is correctly placed over the mouth, nose, and cheeks, and as closely as possible is applied, and returns to the BfArM (for the user the handling of the “Community-masks”) points. This could be by the flow of air at the sides minimize.

if you wear a mouth-nose cover”, ” could “according to the BfArM, the speed of the breath stream, or of the saliva/mucus-droplets ejection” reduce. “Visors, however, typically be able to absorb a maximum of the directly on the disc occurring droplets.”

disadvantages of the visors:

  • do not complete the mouth-nose area.
  • Infectious droplets can flow past.
  • Less external protection than with a mask.

Ultimately, should all remember: the mouth and the nose are the Main gateways for the Coronavirus. Both masks as well as visors to protect others and not a self.

masks harm to the health of not

by the Way: Occasionally you hear or read that the Wearing of masks may be hazardous to health. Because the air could not escape when Exhaling properly, whereby the proportion of carbon dioxide increases in the blood. It is not so, as doctors have explained several times.

In some States the visor as an Alternative is allowed

Who would like to wear instead of a Mouth guard is a plastic visor, it is allowed to do that in some of the länder. So, for example, the Ministry of social Affairs in Hesse added that instead of a mask in the classical sense, a face visor should be allowed.

similarly, in Hamburg, Germany. A spokeswoman for the health authority explained there, on demand of the “Hamburg morning post”: “As the mouth-nose cover counts every covering of mouth and nose, which is due to their nature, regardless of the marking or certified protection category, which is suitable to reduce a propagation of transmitting droplets, particles, or aerosols by coughing, Sneezing, or debate.” These requirements would comply with the visors as well. Fan potatoes: lightning recipe for Swedish oven-variants with Parmesan PCP boxes of potatoes: lightning recipe for Swedish oven-variants with Parmesan cheese
