Until the end, he never gave up on anything : its replicas, and its spikes were the delight of the media and kept the buzz. He knew it, he was amused, even at over 80 years of age… The habit of grandpa gunslinger he was going like a glove : straight out of a film by Michel Audiard, Guy Bedos was distributing slaps to his favorite targets, the racist, the obtuse, the fanatics, the caciques of the right, with a preference for the family The Pen. He claimed loudly and his left label, saying that his family had not been given the choice. “I’m born that way, told it one day in The Express. And I come back from far away. I grew up with a couple where the man, my stepfather, was right-wing. When my mother, in 1981, she was walking again with a photo of marshal Pétain… ” Guy Bedos passed away this afternoon at the age of 85 years.

A childhood in the sun, in Algiers, which will always remain the country of his heart, in fierce opposition with adults that he vomits. A scene in the mark : one day, his father-in-law, head of the company, made the rounds of the machines. A Maghreb gets a cut of the fingers, and, instead of sympathizing, here it is he screams about his workman in the dealing of good-for-nothing : “You have everything salopé with your blood, cleans ! “

This brute also imposed on his wife, who takes revenge by typing in turn on his son ” with a heavy object “, will tell later Guy Bedos. Hildeberte Verdier, mother despotic that he hates and loves at the same time. “I loved this woman who was everything that I hate as a human being, said he one day to the host Mireille Dumas. It was racist, anti-semitic… She said to me : jews and Arabs killing each other, it will always do it for less… “A psychological and physical violence that will make him a” racist freak “. “I am built the opposite of what I have suffered “, summarized it.

The stage as a remedy for

In 1950, the family returned to Paris, he follows in the baggage and depresses severely. A doctor advises the theatre, for him a revelation, for his mother, a business without a future… He joined the school in the rue Blanche and tries, without success, to enter the Conservatory of dramatic art. In the absence of a diploma, he made friends, among whom Jean-Paul Belmondo who recognizes fast Guy a partner for fun. Bedos was only 17 years old when he follows Bebel in a tour is unlikely in the Pyrenees, to play in campsites and rooms dingy. This is the time of the bohemian, of the first stamps, first flirts… He crib one time at a friend’s house penniless, in the slums of Pontault-Combault, and pulls the devil by the tail – his parents finally cut him off of food. To make matters worse, the Algerian war broke out, the army recalls them to him : he began a hunger strike and manages to be reform for mental illness. “Not to go shoot the friends of childhood “, will explain this more later.

It aims to drill as the other, running the tests and the places in cabarets and made his first sketches to the Fountain of The Four Seasons, where he meets Boris Vian, Maurice Béjart or Jacques Prévert, who encourages him to write his texts. The young Bedos foam then the small room where Belmondo and Marielle are coming to the slap. In 1963, a producer has the good idea to regroup all of its best sketches in the film Coated tablets, Pepper, who is carving out a nice success. Here it is launched… The comedian is holding the shows at Bobino with Barbara then went on to duet with his girlfriend of the moment, Sophie Daumier, in tableaux that are curl France, such as “dredge” or ” holidays in Marrakech “, where it is a pastiche of a French lourdingue and racist. Between Fernand Reynaud and Raymond Devos, Bedos imposes its tone in the one-man-show in French.

Left caviar

It does not forget the theatre or cinema, especially in the wake of Yves Robert, who finds him roles in An elephant that misleads enormously or We will go all in paradise. This is the time when it is committed on the field of politics and attack the president Giscard without warning, before moving on to Jacques Chirac. It gives the heart joy, is coming to pebble, red-power squeaks, his audience wanting more, while the right in fact the perfect embodiment of the ” left caviar “.

Brewer, Lanoux, Rochefort, and Bedos, in We go all in paradise (1977) real : Yves RobertClaude BrasseurVictor LanouxJean RochefortGuy Bedos.COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL Gaumont International / The Productions of the Gueville / © Jean Pierre Fizet / Collection Christophel / Gaumont International / The Productions of the Gueville

With Mitterrand, the reports will be more felted : Bedos is fascinated by his culture, he is invited to the palace, but continues to distribute its spades. “It becomes hard to be left, especially when it is not right “, lance-t-il as early as 1983, when the government chooses a policy of rigor. “You go hard still “, he slips sometimes to the president. When you want to give him the Legion of honor, he prefers to decline. And ends up permanently sickened by learning the links of the leader of the left with Vichy and Bousquet.

The libertarian does not loose anything, continues to target Sarkozy and the right, his best customer, sprayed regularly and the family Pen, which replicates per trial, shouted his ras the bowl on the stage in the press reviews pickling, is committed on all fronts, at the side of the Right to housing, the League of human rights, advocates for the right to die with dignity, supports the innocence of Yvan Colonna, manifesto in favour of the migrants of Calais to 80 years old… Still standing, still unsubdued.

The island of Corsica, its “Algeria replacement”

as Soon as he could, he joined the Corsican, his ” Algeria as a spare, find peace and receive his / her loved ones. There, he charged his batteries, prepares his ammunition, refines his texts and arranged with its ghosts… Not a day goes by where he doesn’t think the missing, ” he says in his memoires (Mémoires d’outre-mère, ed Stock), including the women who have shared his life. The first, Karen, the mother of their daughter, Leslie, is suicidera much later, at the approach of the sixties. But also Françoise Dorléac, a time his fiancée, who disappeared too quickly in a terrible car accident. And finally, Sophie Daumier, married in 1965, his partner of scene, which he divorced in 1977. “It had become unbearable, he told a day to the facilitator Mirelle Dumas. I knew after a year that she was suffering from Huntington’s disease. I wanted to, because if I had known she was ill, I would not be party… “This is the time when is born Mélanie, his second daughter,” a binding interim between my two marriages “, will identify the artist in his memoirs.

He then met Joë, a dancer with whom he had Nicholas and Victoria, ” the only of my four children that I have really high “. The latter two are already noted in the middle of the show. Victoria has experienced a great success in coécrivant the screenplay for the film The Family Aries, which was released in 2014. As for his brother Nicolas, comedian, and columnist, he has had the chance to direct his father in his pieces Output stage or The Journey of Victor. For the former of the rue Blanche, that has struggled to impose itself on his debut, his biggest pride was to see the name of Bedos continue to shine at the top of the poster.