ticks are known as dangerous disease carriers. The mild winters are conducive to the spread of a new, dangerous tick species.

The tick season* started this year in March. Due to the mild winter, a spreading dangerous tick species in Germany . So you protect yourself from the dangerous tick bites .

The Coronavirus*restrictions have driven this year, many people in the nature. Although fresh air and exercise Outdoors is very healthy, but forests and meadows, mountains to the small inconspicuous dangers . Every year when it is warmer again, again the ticks active and lurking on the fresh blood of humans and domestic animals, such as dogs and cats . On a dangerous Z eckenart you need to pay attention to this year.

New tick species in Germany: disease, size, life span

she is actually native to warmer regions of the world and the Middle East , especially in Northern Africa, southern Europe, and . But now she has been spotted also been propagated in Germany: the tick species “Hyalomma”. As all types Ticks, it also lurks the Hyalomma tick: in nature to other animals, to whose blood to suck. In addition to cattle, dogs, and birds it affects, unfortunately, also people.

Especially dangerous is the diseases , and can transfer a Hyalomma tick: on your host. Among other things, the Crimean-Congo fever is transmitted almost exclusively via this tick species. It runs in most of the cases are mild or without any symptoms, but in the case of a severe outbreak, it can come to dangerous internal bleeding . Especially in medically underserved, the likelihood of a fatal course may increase to up to 50 percent.

+ The Hyalomma tick is coming from Africa and southern Europe.©picture alliance/dpa

seen the Hyalomma tick: with their eye-catching size. Many copies can be> up to two inches tall </strong. In addition, the ticks have bright striped legs. In your life you have a infested to three times the animals host and is transmitted in this exchange the dangerous diseases.

Likely to be a distribution in Northern Europe is due to migratory birds, because the tick can stick for many weeks to your host. Previously could not keep this tick species , however, in Germany, because the winters were too cold. the ticks, researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart are sure that the first copies could have been in the Winter of 2018/2019 to survive, so daserste.de. The particularly mild Winter of 2019/2020, for one, could contribute to establish the tick species in the long term in Germany.

Particularly insidious: The Hyalomma tick followed their hosts

so far domestic species of Ticks mainly about Stripping on high Grass or bushes on the body. The Hyalomma tick: but it belongs to the so-called ” Jadgzecken “. She has good eyes and nimble legs, and followed their victims for several hundred meters.

look out wide you this post on Instagram to

ticks-Alarm: With rising temperatures, the small blood-suckers – and to bite like that. The Problem is, however, not the bite. Rather, the parasitic diseases can be transmitted such as Lyme disease caused by bacteria. But not to worry: The DJV gives you important information so that you can continue to enjoy the nature. #ticks #ticks #tick-height protection #diseases #disease #spring #nature #tips

A post shared by the German hunting Association e. V. (@jagdverbanddjv) on Apr 12, 2020 at 1:11 PM PDT

also read: The risk out of the earth: This infectious disease, you can get in the garden

species of Ticks: With these features, the ticks can easily be + Easy to size: the Common wood tick (left) and Hyalomma marginatum (right)©picture alliance/dpa

Overall, there are seven types , which are spotted in Germany regularly for Ticks. Three species are named after their favorite hosts, and also mainly there to be found: sheep tick, pigeons tick and brown dog tick . People are affected most by the Common wood tick .


the Common wood tick

Hyalomma tick:


2.5 to 4.5 mm

up to 20 mm

distinctive feature

red-brown Crescent-shaped back

bright-striped legs

transmitted diseases

Lyme disease*, TBE*

ticks-spotted fever*, Crimean-Congo fever

tips to avoid tick bites are to remove and how you tick correctly

there are only a few vaccines , but still very dangerous diseases of ticks transfer, it applies in the first rule, a tick bite to prevent.

High Grass and undergrowth to avoid: Of tick to all over the Strip on the skin. the Long and bright clothes: Long pants and Sleeves make it difficult to get the ticks , to the skin. In addition, light-colored clothing helps to identify the parasites quickly and can remove . Insect repellents against ticks: Many agents that repel mosquitoes, also good against a attack Ticks . Check the information on the packaging and apply the funds, especially on the legs. the vaccination against TBE: While neither Lyme disease for the Crimean-Congo fever a vaccine , but against inflammatory disease TBE a vaccination , which is usually paid by the insurance company. the whole-body scan: If you come after a trip back home, you should have to search the entire skin to ticks , the bit may be already fixed.

If the tick has already taken the bait, then pay attention to the correct method when Removing the tick. the Remove the tick as quickly as possible, as soon as you have a proper tick remover to Hand.

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How dangerous the disease is?