Sustainable exchange

The “seniors trilogy” was created in the framework of the project “72 hours, heaven sends!” of the Federation of German Catholic youth. In that action, the world should be made within three days a little bit better (the MZ reported). In may 2019, with the 14 – to 18-Year-old members of the young Church Coswig, the idea is to spend those 72 hours in a senior living Park Coswig, such as community educator, Bastian Loran reported.

There was a join in the singing of the older Generation, played, exchanged. “We had asked twelve questions, and then the Older and the young people have answered you,” says Loran. The subsequent evaluation of the reflection team of the young Church, “was unbelievable”, recalls the community educator. It was hardly to be expected to have been, what exciting responses of different generations to questions like, “what desire do you have?” type.

An Elderly woman had responded in terms of their dementia daughter to that question with “That my daughter recognizes me,” said Loran. Touching moments like these made him and his young Church is clear: “for Three days — somehow, it’s not sustainable”.

Meanwhile, the seniors trilogy has become, therefore, a regular exchange of ideas. Every three months the members of the young Church to visit Coswig twelve ladies and gentlemen of the residential parks for senior citizens Coswig. The visit of the young people to get on well in the senior citizens ‘ Park, says Loran: “they’re so grateful to the station’s management”.

So much commitment to excellent, is decided by the Initiative “free style” of the land of Saxony-Anhalt and gave the Young community Coswig with a youth involvement award. Furthermore, the Young community is nominated on the basis of the award automatically for the German prize for civic Engagement from the Federal government, whose ceremony in December.

The youth commitment award the Young community Coswig wins for the second Time. In 2018, it received the honor for the event series “Rock around Barock”. 28. August of this year, this is already the 14. Changes take place and again with a professional Poetry Slam and rousing musical interludes come up.

this Time, as an Open-Air

in the light of the Corona-pandemic community educator Loran says: “We have not cancelled the event yet. We can think of to make the Open-Air“. Within the Coswiger Nikolai Church, it will remain in this year, therefore, may still, for a stage, Canopy and co. must be worried. The prize money of this year’s youth commitment award in the amount of 500 Euro Loran and his young ward so located.

the end of the losing streak

In contrast to “Rock around Barock”, that is, under the current Corona conditions take place, we need the seniors trilogy for the time being, pause, writes Bastian Loran. On the one hand, a visit to the senior citizens-Parks are not permitted to the young people at the moment, on the other hand, the Meetings of the young Church had to be suspended.

at Least these weekly meetings will be possible in the near future: “Now, on Thursday we go again,” says Loran, and with it, the 14 members of the young Church, features certainly on the end of a losing streak. (mz)

This article was written by Anika Würz

*The contribution “award at Coswiger Young community: youth taking care of seniors,” is published by Central German newspaper. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper