” François Hollande has had of the nose : he has put Gérard Collomb in the closet, because he knew that it was a board that is rotten. “The award is signed by a minister of the new world, from the ranks of the right. Like many of his colleagues in the government and the majority, it “does not include” the latest affront to the outgoing mayor of Lyon, macroniste the first time, in the direction of Emmanuel Macron : an alliance with The Republicans, under the patronage of a certain Laurent Wauquiez. The socialist, who, twenty years ago, snatched the keys of the capital of the Gauls, to the right, trying to assure…

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EXCLUSIVE. Municipal : the dinner of the Élysée, which has sealed the fate of the second round To Lyon, a convergence of circumstances between Collomb and Wauquiez