The circle club makes use of the break for the new beginning and find all the good.

Taufkirchen–The BSG the Re-Start will Taufkirchen, according to the corona-induced break with the coaches to begin, she has already committed for the new season. As reported, the two player-coach Tobias Schediwy and Thomas götz Berger in the circle of the League and the current Coach Sebastian Hero. The Second will be in the future, to train Florian Pell. So far, Alfred Hübner, the A-classes had coached team.

“I welcomes, and also to the decision, contributed”, says Hübner. “It makes perfect sense, the change in this window of time to perform.” As reported, the 62-Year-old a long time ago that he was going to go for personal reasons, with the Second in the fifth season. “I have a heuer just little time, because I make some modifications to your house.” What is the year 2021 is concerned, keep it with the Imperial Motto of “Look ma moi”.

The current Team is the fifth team that has accompanied Hübner for many years. “It has always made so much fun. Of the football a lot,” says the Coach, also praises the collaboration with his Co Wolfgang Häusler (“super support, human and technical class”), as well as with the Hero: “This has caused me always a great joy. That was always characterized by mutual respect.“

The compliment back there Hero. More. “In some situations, I have had the privilege of its peace and Serenity come to learn.” The district League Coach appreciated the leadership of the former police officers “and the always very interesting conversations about the great football on Thursday after the Training”. That Hübner is rather tends to FC Bayern, and in the lion’s Fan over looked generous.

Also Hero welcomes the early change of coach and just want to take a break. He was for 30 years a Trainer, now I have time, priority is given to the family, says the father of two. “My son, I have seen a heuer, not a single game,” says the 52-Year-old, who learned the Garteln love. “My mother-in-law is very excited,” he says, laughing. He also bought a E-Bike, with which he to Slovenia wants to ride.

And when to begin the new coach? The BSG Board has decided, not before the 14. June, the place to return to. “The training operation under the current circumstances, makes no sense for us,” says Franz Schlossnikl, still has a special praise for the two departing coach: “Both of them have already signalled at the beginning of the break, that they would support any decision of the Association.”

you were informed already in the first weeks of the suspension of the games that you would accept without a coach activity, no Trainergage. Schlossnikl want to thank the two Coaches after the disappearance of the pandemic is still officially and say goodbye.

The two outgoing BSG-coach Sebastian Hero and Alfred Hübner trust their Ex-teams still have a lot to for the season’s final sprint. Although the ESR-Second is only on place eight in the A-class 7. “But the team is certainly more”, says Hübner. Unfortunately, you’ve dropped to many points. “Her true face has shown the team but against the FSV steinkirchen,” he says at the 3:2-victory against the third party. Hero had taken the BSG-First as a district League-Relegated. “At that time, we have lost five players and only one new signing and a player from the youth.” Nevertheless, the Team was off to a good start in the League. “We have not won six games in a row.” 20 points and the seventh place – “because you have to look backwards,” warns Hero, but is convinced of the quality of the team. You have proven at the “beautiful training camp in Kufstein”, “I was with you in March to do”. Proud Hero is that he was able to install with the Maxi Gebhard and consistent Dworschak two Youngster in the men’s.