on Thursday 28 may in the evening, protesters set fire to a police station in Minneapolis, a city located in the north of the United States, to affirm the anger after the death of George Floyd, an African-American death asphyxiated by plating ventral during his arrest. This is the third night in which the angry citizens confront the police. Thousands of people attended the fire commissioner’s office located in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis. The police officers had already deserted the scene, according to the police, who have relied on ” the safety of our staff “.

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The protests had been mostly peaceful, with crowds contained by chains of men in uniform. But there have been clashes, with the looting of some thirty stores and fires as well as the use of tear gas by the police around the police station where work of the officers accused in the case. The parade had started late in the afternoon, with many demonstrators wearing a mask to protect against the coronavirus, while in the neighboring city of Saint Paul police reported damage and theft. “We know that there’s a lot of anger. We know that there are a lot of injuries. But we cannot tolerate that some use it as an opportunity to commit offences, ” said the director of the police of this city Todd Axtel.

the governor of The State of Minnesota, Tim Walz has signed a decree authorizing the intervention of the national guard. Two hundred police officers of the State, as well as helicopters, should also be sent on-site.

“Serial murders”

George Floyd, an African-American, 46 years old, passed away on Monday evening, just after having been arrested by the police, who suspected him of having wanted to sell a fake note of 20 dollars. During the intervention, he was tackled to the ground by an officer who has kept his knee on her neck for long minutes. “I can’t breathe “, the we hear on a recording of the scene to become viral. President Donald Trump “was indignant when he saw the video of “the drama” heinous, tragic, ” said his spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany. “He immediately took his phone” to ensure that the FBI investigation was moving quickly, she continued : “He wants justice to be done. “

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But Twitter reported Friday for “glorifying violence,” a tweet from the president on clashes, that could be construed as an incitement to the police to use their weapons. “These ROGUE dishonor the memory of George Floyd, and I don’t let them do this. Just spoke to governor Tim Walz and told him that the army is on his side all along. At the slightest problem, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you ! ” was tweeted Donald Trump. The four officers involved have been fired and local and federal authorities investigate. But no charges have yet been held, which fuels anger and frustration.

“These police officers, it is necessary to immediately stop”

“These police officers, it is necessary to stop immediately,” said Philonise Floyd on CNN, claiming between two sobs the death penalty for those responsible for the death of his brother. “All the world suffers, it is for everything that happens. I am sick of seeing black men die “, he added. “I wish they [the protesters] are peaceful but I can’t force it, it’s hard. “Like him, the High Commissioner of the UN for human rights has made the connection with other incidents which have reignited the wounds of racial in the United States.

also Read Minneapolis : Erdogan denounces a murder, “racist” and “fascist”

“This is the last of a long series of murders of African-Americans not armed committed by police officers the americans, “and citizens’ lambda, regretted Michelle Bachelet in a press release. “The us authorities must take serious measures to put an end to these murders and to ensure that justice is done to them when they occur. “The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has denounced in the night from Thursday to Friday on Twitter” approach to racist and fascist ideologies that led to the death of George Floyd “.

“Deficit of hope”

The case especially remember the death of Eric Garner, a black man who died in 2014 in New York city after having been asphyxiated during his arrest by white police officers. He had also said, ” I can’t breathe “, a phrase that became a rallying cry of the movement Black Lives Matter (” the life of The Black account “). Minnesota had also been marked by the death in 2016 a motorist black, Philando Castile, shot dead during an ordinary control of the police under the eyes of his girlfriend and little girl.

The reverend Jesse Jackson, who arrived in Minneapolis, has called for the continuation of the protests, denouncing a “lynching in the full light of day” and calling for justice. The chief of police of Minneapolis, Medaria Arradondo, has acknowledged Thursday that there was a “deficit of hope” in his city, and that its teams had contributed.

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