” This is an explosion the consequences of which are immeasurable. We are going to see a play of the massacre and the victims will be numerous, ” says an elected representative of lyon to the right. The origin of this prediction : the decision of Gérard Collomb, mayor of Lyon invested up to that time by LREM, to seal an agreement with François-Noël Buffet, the candidate of LR to the metropolis, to avoid a “surf green” on the city and the metropolis. The case has been concluded with the other strong man of the region, the LR Laurent Wauquiez, who leads the regional council. The former Interior minister has even agreed to give up the head of the list, instead of directing the metropolis of Lyon that he had himself worn on the baptismal font. Conversely, in the municipal elections, it is Stephen White, the candidate LR, which fades behind Yann Cucherat, placed in the starting blocks by Gérard Collomb. “Today, we want a union to face the crisis and the reconstruction of Lyon. Union which we hope will expand in the coming days “, added the current mayor of Lyon, during a press conference held in the emergency. What confuse Lyonnais…

also Read : Gérard Collomb and the kiss of Judas to Macron

beyond the shock, this alliance sounds like a renunciation of the values upheld by the team Collomb. And even as a desperate act. The objective is to cross the road to the conservationists got a large lead in the first round, in eight of the nine boroughs of the city of Lyon, and eight of the fourteen districts of the metropolis. But Gérard Collomb has struggled to convince. In a first time, had he not preferred a call for a dissident candidate LREM and past president of the metropolis David Kimelfeld ? The latter having refused the outstretched hand of his former mentor, he had to find a plan B. “It’s like a stampede,” sighed David Kimelfeld. The metropolis, deserves better than this. Do you believe that there is a danger that green is not at the height of the debate. “He denounces an agreement between enemies, which was negotiated in the shadow between a Gérard Collomb, panicked by the prospect of defeat and a Laurent Wauquiez, a leading figure of the conservative right “.

Lyons at the forefront of the macronie ?

This is not the opinion of Bruno Bonnell, the member LREM of the Rhone. To him, who acknowledges having been surprised like everyone else, the initiative of Gérard Collomb would be swan song. “I was the first to say that it was an agreement between Collomb and Kimelfeld. The latter has refused… However, the metropolis is going to need a majority of the project to rebuild like France needed it after the great wars, ” said the mp. Before adding : “And if Lyon was once again at the forefront of the macronie with this agreement ? The decision of Gérard Collomb, to combine the opposites is courageous and can be the only solution to defend our way of life. “

Read also : Municipal Lyon : Christophe Castaner, Gérard Collomb “loses himself”

At the HQ of LREM, we do not see things this way. Far from it : the atmosphere is tense. “I can’t endorse such an agreement policy, wrote in a press release Stanislaus Guerini, the boss of LREM. By choosing to ally with the Republicans, with the blessing of Laurent Wauquiez, rather than to work for the gathering of our family policy, Gérard Collomb, crosses a red line. “The national commission of the investiture should meet promptly to review the désinvestiture of Yann Cucherat as a candidate for mayor of Lyon. “I say this clearly : our values will always be more important than a few seats in a municipal council. We do troquerons never against a mandate. “

field list merging is not self-evident

In LR, the opinions are also very mixed. “We avoided the worst : Gérard Collomb, the head of the list, even though he had arrived in fourth position, this was not possible !” was still annoys an elected official LR of the metropolis, who do not understand how it got there. “How Laurent Wauquiez has he been able to imagine that elected rangeraient behind the man they have been fighting since 20 years “, he adds. Atmosphere ! If the agreement is sealed to the heads up displays in lyons, it will be harder to achieve on the ground. “There is no comprehensive agreement of merger, pounds Alexander Vincendet, patron of the federation LR of the Rhone. There will be local agreements in some areas, constituency by constituency. “In that case, Plateau Nord-Caluire, there will not. “We are well in the lead. This district is breathtaking, ” notes the mayor of Rillieux-the-Pope. For him, the good news is to see the page Gérard Collomb finally turn.

Read also : In Lyon, a convergence of circumstances between Collomb and Wauquiez

In the meantime, in the Green, we say serene… ” After having governed the capital of the gauls with ecologists for many years, Gérard Collomb, we said dangerous. It is unreadable politically, loose Grégory Doucet the candidate EELV for the municipal. What is there behind this alliance ? What project are they going to wear ? “As many of the questions that ecologists are not the only ones to ask. The campaign will not be any rest for the protagonists of the agreement… Remains that the last word will be up to the voters and, in the opinion of all, it is difficult to anticipate the outcome.

writing will advise you

Gérard Collomb and the kiss of Judas to the Macron