combat helicopter pilots of the Bundeswehr from Fritzlar near Kassel were blinded by a Laser. By a fast reaction of the perpetrator could be taken on the spot.

pilots of Tiger combat helicopters from Fritzlar in the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis Laser dazzled Bundeswehr offender caught in the act Laser-attack was not the only one on the day

Fritzlar – twice within 24 hours of the Tiger are the pilots of the combat helicopter regiment 36 in Fritzlar at Kassel been blinded in different places with Laser pointers .

With incomprehension and indignation of the German army to respond to this incident with a view to the past, tragically, not an isolated case.

military pilots from the Region of Kassel, Laser blinded

Only around three months, a Pilot of the German army was blinded so hard, that stay could not be excluded damage. The perpetrator or perpetrators remained unknown. This time is different:

According to the police a 57-year-old man on Thursday at 0.30 o’clock has blinded a number of times with a Laser Pointer helicopters, which were on Mellnau in the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf on-the-go.

military pilots from Laser blinded: on the ground caught offenders

According to the combat helicopter regiment, two armed forces-Tiger from Fritzlar, near Kassel, each with two pilots were in the air. “You have turned away the first time you Dazzle immediately and the offender on the mast visor to keep an eye on”, says Lieutenant Colonel Remo Templin-Dahlenburg.

The crew have informed the Laser attack immediately two colleagues in your group on the ground, which caught the offender and him until the arrival of the use of force in the view maintained.

military pilots with Laser blinded: The case of offenders in prison

the police is even reported, the 57-must use a Laser Year now for the Dazzle in a criminal investigation because of dangerous interference in air transport answer.

For dangerous interference in air transport, threatens, depending on the consequences, a imprisonment of between six months and ten years. An unexpected phone call Templin-Dahlenburg, a Lieutenant Colonel received in the German army , a little later. “The offender has apologized on the phone.”

culprit hidden Bundeswehr-pilot with Laser “out of stupidity”

As the reason for his act, he had called his stupidity and asked to be allowed to personal in the pilots report. “They want to but no call from him,” says Templin-Dahlenburg.

But it was not the only incident: According to the police Department Schwalm-Eder came on the same day, against 23 clock again to a glare by a Laser of German army tigers, this time about Züschen.

“The Patrol was on the ground,” but no one can be taken, according to the press spokesman Markus Brettschneider.

Renewed attack on Bundeswehr pilots: Laser could even lead to a crash

Templin-Dahlen castle is reminiscent of the dramatic consequences that could bring this reckless act with: “In the final analysis, it may come through something like to crash the helicopter.”

The risky game with the Laser endangering not only the lives of the pilots, but also the lives of the people living in the area. The Problem does not concern only the German army , but also others that are in the air traffic on-the-go.

By Daria’s New

Already a few months ago, it came with the German armed forces in Fritzlar to similar Laser attacks*. Here, too, the Unknown have blinded a helicopter crew.

fly prevailed in the past year for the armed forces-Tiger, however, not because of a Laser*, but because of technical defects.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.