a virologist Hendrik Streeck, with his Heinsberg-known study. Now he predicts how it will go with the treacherous Coronavirus in Germany.

The slow downturn in the Corona-crisis* allows for various relaxations. The virologists Hendrik Streeck according to weeks of relaxation, waving to us because of rising temperatures. In the fall of the infection numbers are likely to rise again. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany*. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Munich – the summer is the bad time of the year is upon us. The climbing temperatures to Outdoor activities such as barbecues or swimming excursions . Under the influence of the Corona-crisis all of this will look, but this time is different. the distance keeping the need of the hour. It is a very habituation needy the summer – although in many places, tourists are welcome and most of the borders be allowed to cross.

Nevertheless, Crowded beaches and jam-Packed full of Hotels or Camping sites, the following applies:? Not in this summer holiday*. Finally, it will be because of the still not fully researched Virus SARS-CoV-2 numerous restrictions. All the measures adopted in the past few weeks are finally accompanied by the fear of a second wave of Infection start , which could also lead to such proven health systems such as in Germany, at the borders.

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: In summer, less Transfers

Because it does well in one of the leading experts in the field of Virology, files the ever-present threat. the Hendrik Streeck has done the Interview with the General-Anzeiger and comes to the conclusion: “A wave means Yes, run over a something. I don’t think we will see such a phenomenon.“

The 42-Year-old is already the fact that weeks of the Corona-relaxation before will be: “for The Rest, I suppose, that we see in the summer lower Transfers . The views of the southern hemisphere shows.“ For the States, so, the heading on your Winter, accounted for Streeck: “In Australia we saw, until Recently, that only 20 percent of the Transfers in Germany, 80 per cent were acquired abroad. This is changing now. The South America is just for the high-epidemic area.“

also read: virologists dispute breaks out total: Drosten Kekulé attacked head – on, and nothing more of him

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: Warm weather hampers the spread of corona virus

The weather plays a role. Means: Higher temperatures, the diffusion of difficult, according to Streeck corona virus – this is not applicable only for the new type, which makes it difficult for the people around the globe, currently the life. At the same time, the native of göttingen, but warns: “I think that we will> look in the autumn of increasingly infections </strong."

in Total, but: “I think what is much more likely, is no second wave . But we will from time to time, as we observe now, Hotspot-outbreaks see. Maybe 100 people were infected at once, and not have it noticed.“ Therefore it is clear to him: We must be on a life with SARS-CoV-2 set.

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: researchers look for immune responses to Virus

the research aims. “Currently, we are working very much here in the lab and try the to understand immune responses to the Virus better, so what are the immune responses are effective against the Virus and which are not,” explains Streeck in the General-Anzeiger. It is, therefore, generally speaking, to the question, “how and whether people are protected to a SARS-CoV-2 infection”.

A role should the so-called Heinsberg-study afford. In this a Team to Streeck, the dark figure was gone in the first German-Corona-Hotspot, close to the Dutch border to the bottom of it. It should be uncovered, how many people bodies unconsciously to Covid-19 diseased and a corresponding immunity*.

+ Former Corona-a region in crisis: In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Heinsberg, a Hotspot of the pandemic arose early.©dpa / Jonas Güttler

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: “Heinsberg-study abroad to”

The encouraging end result, it was viewed in the aftermath of publicly very critical of what it wants to let Streeck so not: “The study holds in the case of professionals fully Stand and find worldwide attention . This fact is one.“ He also made it clear: “abroad, in the United States and European countries, the study was good by the way and be included in meta-analyses a .”

Also, for his Reputation, the Heinsberg study was a profit: “I am a virologist who has seen the most patients who are suffering from Covid-19. So I’ve learned the Virus better to assess .“ Consequently, he would now be “neither warning nor clear”.

celebrated At an IKEA Parking lot in the state of Hesse, meanwhile, hundreds of Muslims the end of Ramadan. The Reason For This? Corona.

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: No interference in decisions about easing

For questions, to loose want to interfere Streeck but not: “The decision to normality is one that is now moved away from the science of Virology.” Only the people are responsible, “the have been elected to make such decisions and to be able to all of the points of balance”. So, the politicians.

With the impressions and conclusions of the virologists from the University of Bonn are likely to do this, however, is quite easier. Streecks tip: “In the case of this Virus, you need to start thinking about how can we design life , and also strategies in this sense. Socially, the best and fairest strategy is to look at what are our intensive capacity , because we want to give each person the optimal supply of the benefit is.“

virologist Streeck via Corona-the future: “the Best indicator are intensive care beds”

For the containment of the Virus, he would move away more from the views of the R-value , so the reproduction number*. Because it was a “ the hypothetical value that depends extremely of how much is tested”. Instead, Streeck calls, to focus on the hardship cases: “ The best characteristics are the intensive care beds , because it is at the end.” This applies to each Season of the year.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Corona control to the countries- but in the case of three points, you stay hard. The German gastronomy is a giant bankruptcy looming.

former Chancellor Gerhard Schöder had known in the Corona-crisis one thing better than Merkel. Because of the tourist onslaught, a North sea-the city is asking already to a break. In the ZDF Talk show Markus Lanz, a guest of Angela Merkel “a fairy tale in front of throws”.

Markus Söder will be asked after the end of the mask duty and responded with an extreme response.

A huge impact on the Virus spread in Germany, a study confirmed that the Corona-Hotspot Ischgl.

On German students could come after the summer holidays, teaching in homes or halls.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


section list image:©dpa / Federico Gambarini