According to Germany’s largest market research Institute GfK, the discounters of the Corona were not able to benefit crisis quite as strong as the full-range supplier. Up to and including the end of April, they were able to generate a revenue increase of 12.7 per cent, the full-range exceeded this with a growth of 18.1 per cent. “The Trend toward One-Stop Shopping rather played the full-range as the Discount in the hands,” explains the “Lebensmittel Zeitung” (LZ).

insiders see this as the reason for a new strategy. “The discounters are adjusting to the crisis and a higher price, the expected sensitivity of the customer,” says according to the LZ, an experienced trading professional. You put on your old strength: low prices. With discount promotions, and seals the well in communication will significantly. Lidl will present such a study, which identifies the Discounter as “price-performance winner”, Aldi, the customer monitor, which declared him as the “price guide 2019”.

Kaufland and Lidl, the front of the net with a special role

The largest German retail group, the Schwarz group, with its disco Lidl and Kaufland stores, apparently on course for Success. You have done it, in the crisis of customer confidence and looked to high-yield months back. The sister companies will show a different strategy: Lidl set to a Mix of Top brands for a small price and well calculated in-house brands, the country of purchase marketing brand to be more aggressive than any of the other discounters.

A special role, according to the LZ currently net. The Edeka Discounter advertises with sharper action prices. This will explained in the market that net the competitor needs to catch up. The discounters work “with all of the Marketing kit has to offer”.

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