1. June 2020, there will be some Changes and there are new laws in Germany apply. So that consumers do not lose the Overview here is an Overview.

In June strong> Germany a few new rules and laws to come into force in<. Including new features to be found due to the Corona-pandemic* , but also issues such as the planned increase in pension benefits. We have summarized for you the Changes .

Munich – In the times of the Coronavirus* it comes to comparatively many of the rule changes, there are new laws and policies , to which the citizens now need to keep. A Overview , what will change in June 2020 .

Corona-contact restrictions will remain in place, but there is more easing

The Federal government had originally planned, at 5. To advise on the current contact restrictions* . The Meeting was cancelled, there is a dispute between the Federation and the länder. It was agreed that the contact restrictions* up to 26. June should be used, however, may from 6. June ten people or members of two house stands meet at the same time. A maximum number of persons in the apartment or house is no more to give. The range and the exact implementation of the relaxations the States decide for themselves. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had announced to want to continue to the contact restrictions in place.

Corona-the Changes in June Are traveling abroad again soon possible?

in General, worldwide travel warning, the foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) for tourists was very apply, to 14. June. The Federal government but now that tourist travel in many Parts of Europe will be in the summer again.

+ Will be on holiday in the summer? The travel warnings should no longer apply from the middle of June. ©Reuters / Sina Schuldt

From the age of 15. June, the travel warning will be lifted for the 31 European countries. Provided, of course, is that it allows the Situation concerning the Coronavirus is* in the individual countries. Then travel to Pentecost could be in the popular holiday regions in Italy, Croatia or France is possible.

grants announced: family bonus, buying a car premium, support for companies

The Federal government has taken in the past weeks and months, huge amounts of money in Hand, in order to keep the economic impact of the Corona pandemic as low as possible. In June, it should now be a further round of grants.

since a few weeks, the Federal government is debating about a family bonus . A sum of between 300 and 600 Euro is in the room and to get parents for each of their children. So families should be supported and at the same time, the retail sector a boost. Also, a possible car purchase premium has been discussed for. Especially of the Green but there is criticism. The industry is hoping for a boost, it is just in a huge crisis. The sales numbers in the past few weeks dramatically. Pre-existing premiums on the purchase of E-cars are now to be increased, but also new incentives for the purchase of burners are to be created. Already existing auxiliary programs for the self-employed* , for example, artists, restaurant owners or travel agents, wants to expand the Federal government. Especially for tax purposes this group should be favored in the future, the so-called Loss carry-back will be extended. Thus, companies could charge easier, the losses from 2020, with the profits from previous years. In addition, the facilitation of depreciation and amortization in the conversation.

On the exact implementation of the stimulus package is negotiated at the beginning of June .

day-care centres open nationwide

Some Federal States it is to allow for already, others in June. Day care centers are now allowed to open almost anywhere. There are, however, especially in the case of daycare centers in different conditions:

Bayern , the Small may after the Whitsun holidays, back in the day-care centre, but only those that are in the coming year, education is compulsory for all. the Bremen pre-school children from 1. June in the facilities. the Baden-Württemberg has announced that the Kitas at the latest by the end of June is fully open. Children from four and a half, and their siblings, children are not allowed in Hamburg from the 4. June back in the day-care centre. In Hessen , the day-care centres to go at the beginning of June in restricted normal operation. Similarly, in North Rhine-Westphalia , here 8 should. June is a reduced normal introduced. In Sachsen-Anhalt the children return from the 2. June back in the day-care centres, there should then go to the regular mode. In Thuringia children no later than 15. June back in the day-care centres are cared for.

fitness studios open again: different regulations in the länder

NRW it was allowed before, now other States will follow. the fitness studios* had to remain closed for several weeks, for months, the German Jogging or Youtube to keep the Videos to fit. From the 2. June may be trained, for example, in Baden-Württemberg again, Berlin and Bayern want to follow in the next few days. + In some States, the fitness studios have opened already, in June, about Bavaria and Berlin to draw. ©dpa / Bernd Wüstneck

pension increase is not coming – but all will benefit

around 21 million pensioners in Germany, the pension is 1. July increases, as The annual pension adjustment* is. Will be paid the new amount, usually at the end of June. When the increased pension lands on the account, depends on the date of retirement . Who has received before or since March 2004, his pension, the increase is now the end of June, paid the pension start later on, that lands Plus until the end of July at the receiver. The payment is made but in any case, automatically. In the old provinces the scheme of 3.45 percent , in the new States to 4,20 percent is on the rise .

These regulations are to expire in June:

Some of the rules and the innovations of the past few weeks price in June out of:

exchange the train Tickets: Tickets for the category a savings price Super savings, the front of the 13. March, were acquired, until the end of June, is cancelled. The journey must, however, between the 13. March and 4. May. the deferral of payments : Up to the end of June, can loans be> rescheduled for three months </strong. The debtor could not comply with their obligations, and threatened in the past few weeks, there are no legal consequences. the termination protection for tenants : Up to the end of the month of June*, a tenant must not fear dismissal, he should be by means of the Corona pandemic in financial hardships fall. These rules also applied to tenants and trades. the Simplified access to Hartz IV : The Federal government had facilitated for the past few weeks, access to the Hartz-IV-services for job-seekers. These Changes, especially the points test and adequacy of living conditions was omitted from the 30. June again.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©dpa / Marijan Murat