The last few weeks, most of the people have spent mostly at home: The Work went into the home office, Meeting with friends, cinema nights and Bars were deleted. What for so to put on makeup? That have gone thought, obviously a lot of people, because the demand for Make-up is in the Corona-crisis in the community.

Although normality is returning slowly. However, the mouth guard duty brakes industry experts, according to the buying mood lipstick & co., especially April, where there are many shops, hairdressers and beauty salons had closed, could the manufacturer make-up removal according to the cosmetics Association, VKE. Sales dropped this month by 60 percent, said managing Director Martin Ruppmann. The Easter business was gone because of the closed shutters completely lost.

no one is currently buying lipsticks or perfumes

“The people will buy demand-driven,” explains Elmar Keldenich, managing Director of the Federal Association of perfumeries. A nice lipstick, or an elegant perfume – it doesn’t at the moment, especially as the stores are allowed to set for reasons of hygiene, no Tester. The result: “If you can’t try the stuff, buys no one,” said Keldenich.

The loss of perfume, decorative cosmetics or hair care specialized companies amounted, however, according to estimates by the industry Association body care and detergents (IKW) to 100 million euros per month. “The incisions were and are so large that normality can be reached after a few months,” said managing Director Thomas Keiser.

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The CR assumes that the company will have this year an average of 20 percent less revenue. A good Christmas business could not balance out the losses, so Ruppmann.

for a toilet paper manufacturer to report short-time working at

Also, the Frankish tradition of company Swan Stabilo felt the gets. A third of the turnover slumped in the cosmetics division in April, said company Director Sebastian Schwanhäußer. The company is in Heroldsberg – claims to be the world market leader to develop make-up pencils for cosmetic brands and to produce plans, therefore, now short-time work.

Also, the toilet paper manufacturer Ille has to log in to the corona-crisis short-time work – despite the boom in supermarkets and online shops. Because Private consumers make up only a small part of the paragraph. Ille supplies Hotels, gastronomy, industry and trade, as well as the public administration, schools, cinemas and a fitness center with special toilet paper rolls, which are frequently greater than the usual household roles.

asparagus harvest close to breaking 30 percent

Overall, the company had recorded in April revenue losses in the case of toilet paper by up to 30 percent, a spokeswoman said. The sell-off in the super markets is the result from the point of view of the managing Director, by the way, only a small part of on hamster purchases. “In fact, the more people were at home and needed toilet paper,” says Gottschalk.

For the asparagus farmers of the Virus finished is definitely the growth years: because of the difficulties due to the Corona-crisis, experts expect a significantly lower harvest. According to the agricultural market information company (AMI) in Bonn, you could be this year, around 30 percent below that of the previous year. 2019 nationwide may have been harvested with 122,000 tonnes. The were eight percent less harvest volume than in the record year of 2018.

Corona is not the only Problem for asparagus growers

The decrease in the harvest quantity corresponds approximately to the proportion of dining on asparagus sales. Because until mid-may, pubs and Restaurants had closed due to the Corona-regulations fell away, sales of the catering customers in this time, said AMI expert Michael Koch. For this, the households would have purchased like asparagus.

the past few years were economically difficult, said the managing Director of the Association of asparagus and berry growers in lower Saxony, Fred Eickhorst. Some of these asparagus farms were in front of the From. The Problem is to find a sufficient number of harvest helpers, ‘ve already given it to in front of the travel restriction because of the Corona pandemic, said Eickhorst. Also, the dryness of the past two years have set the company.

prices are now at a normal level – the farmer pay more

This year, now it has become very expensive to get the harvest helper. The companies had to pay for the flight, also the expenses for the accommodation are increased due to the Corona-hygiene requirements significantly. “As a result of Corona, the costs for companies have risen significantly.”

According to a high price level at the beginning of the local harvest, where the kilo price for the consumer was, on average, by up to 40 per cent year-on-year, has stabilised the price according to AMI, in the meantime, about the last year. He was in the ascension week, on average, to 6.86 euros for a Kilo of white asparagus, the first sorting. In the direct sale of the asparagus is usually more expensive, Who will buy the precious vegetables from the farmers, had to pay for a good part of 12 Euro per Kilo, said AMI expert chef.

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