The automotive supplier ZF wants to swipe up to 15,000 jobs worldwide, half of them in Germany. According to an internal Letter from the ZF Board of management to the workforce from the Thursday show, wants to dismantle the company in the next five years, thousands of Bodies.

“From today’s point of view, we need to adjust by 2025, the world our capacity and 12,000 to 15,000 jobs to reduce, about half of them in Germany,” – said in the letter to Employees, which is present the German press Agency. A ZF spokesman said: “We do not comment on that.” First, the “Südkurier” and the “Saarbrücker Zeitung had reported” (both Friday). The group’s management explained the plans for the reduction of staff with the decline in sales in the Wake of the corona of a crisis.

works Council on job cuts

surprised, The Chairman of the works Council of ZF, Achim Dietrich, was “just like the staff”. Of the General works Council had been informed by the management Board only on Wednesday about the plans. “We continue to focus on short-time working and fighting for each and every employee,” said Dietrich of the dpa. In the conversation on the previous day, the Board of management have spoken of a slump in sales of 25 per cent over the year as a whole. “8 billion euros,” said Dietrich. The shops in the first three months 2020 to be well-run, the April was “bad”.

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“As a result of the demand stops, on the customer side, our company will make 2020 high financial losses”, – stated in the Letter to the staff. All previous measures are Far from adequate, because the crisis will take longer. “In the short term, the company will need additional contributions from the staff, to meet the year 2020.” The detail planning will be finalized in the next few weeks, and with the employee representatives negotiated. No later than August, as it is called in business circles, are to be decided on the specific plans.

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ZF is also working Short-time

To the beginning of the year affected the ZF group employees nearly of 148,000 people, almost 51,000 of them in Germany. By the end of 2022 operation are excluded-related redundancies at ZF at most locations. Here is small compare credit quickly and easily (display) For the Focus Online small loan comparison

Already in 2019, the revenues of the automotive supplier fell from 36.9 billion to EUR 36.5 billion. The on own shareholders ‘ attributable income after taxes fell to 350 (previous year: 904) million euros. Just recently, ZF announced that due to the Corona pandemic controlled parts of production and administration would shut down, to react, among other things, to the lack of demand from car and Truck manufacturers. With the ZF group works Council agreement on the introduction of short-time work was made. The scheme initially applies until June.

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the decision about the location of Saarbrücken, and did not want to comment on the company in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”. In the Saarland, ZF produces eight-speed automatic transmission. Around 9000 Employees, the group has there. “The main focus is for us, to secure every job in Saarbrücken,” said the saarbrücken works Council chief Mario Kläs. Tesla: a 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responding FOCUS Online/Wochit Tesla: A 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responding, “Mr. Dax” warns investors: “In the fall, the big teeth comes rattling” FOCUS Online “Mr. Dax” warns investors: “In the autumn of the great gnashing of teeth”
