The British “Guardian” reported.

The Scandinavian country has reported on Monday eight new cases of death in connection with the Coronavirus after the Sunday of the first day without Corona-the Dead had been since March. As the state health authority reported that the number of deaths 4403. Approximately 37.800 people infected thus far. The first death of the Scandinavian country had at 11. March registered.

read more about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

on Sunday, the authority had said but, over the weekend, reports of new victims delayed usually. “We are going to get tomorrow (Tuesday) is likely to more deaths reported,” said the epidemiologist Anders Tegnell of the health authority. “But it is positive that we have had for a couple of days, low Pay.”

Sweden had less taken strict measures than other countries,

head of government Stefan Löfven wants to convene in the coming weeks, probably on a Commission to assess the actions of Sweden in the fight against the spread of the Virus. Here, the key is to find successes, but also errors. The Opposition had called for such a Commission.

unlike other countries, Sweden had taken far less strict measures. So schools and kindergartens have not been closed. The citizens were asked, among other things, only to keep distance, to wash their hands again and again and not to travel. Truck rest on the crowd in Minneapolis – demonstrators to remain unharmed, FOCUS Online/Wochit Truck hurtling towards the crowd of people in Minneapolis – protesters remain unharmed

with dpa