You do regularly and diligently Squat, lift and cross your legs ‘ til you drop, but no success yet? To get beautiful, defined legs, is a matter of the right training.

of Course, the genetically can be induced predisposition not wegtrainieren. But if the legs do not come in spite of sports in the Form, it is perhaps these common errors.

1. Lunges is a foreign word for you

The English name for the default step is actually a foreign word, but if you can also start with the German concept of nothing, you should change that quickly.

As with lunges, you train leg extension and curl, and get your legs in tip-top shape. And as a Bonus, there is still a Butt.

2. Unrealistic goals

You’re going for a short period of time regularly to the gym and discover in the mirror, still no guns on the thighs? No wonder, because that takes a bit of time.

be patient and hang in there. After about six weeks, the first results are starting to show.

3. Improper diet

For firm legs, not only to the Training, a balanced diet, for visible results is important.

Therefore, the focus should be on vegetables, whole grains, fruits and good fats as well as proteins for muscle building.

4. Too little endurance sports

But not only the diet should be balanced, even during the Training itself varied helps to get slim legs.

Is not rewarded your diligence in the gym after six weeks, with visible results, you should increase the amount of cardio training.

Spinning, Swim, or Run, your legs not only momentum, but also in the Form.

5. You focus exclusively on your thigh

do you pay attention to the leg training your back and inner muscles of the thigh or on your calf?

If not, give them more attention. Include beautiful and well-proportioned legs, these regions also.

6. To little Weights

do you Want your muscles not only feel but also see your own weight on the duration of little challenge.

A couple of dumbbells or equipment in the Gym to ensure your muscles are coming to the fore.

7. Incorrect Exercises

There it is again, the assessment: do you Have naturally lean legs, will make intensive running workout, you still appear narrower. You have rather strong legs, are too heavy Weights is counterproductive.

therefore, pay attention to your shapes, and try to emphasize your assets with the right Exercises. If you’re not sure With Squats and Lunges without external weights, you can’t go wrong.

Annika major krüger

*The post “7 reasons Why your legs are released, in spite of Training in the Form of” will of FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
