The Osterseen in Iffeldorf served on the Whitsun week-end as a popular tourist destination. However, the Sunny Monday was clearly the highlight of the visitors ‘ onslaught.

Iffeldorf – The Situation was not as dramatic as in Kochel or in the Allgäu region. But also in Iffeldorf, the residents were moaning about the onslaught on the Whitsun week-end. The Sunny Monday was clearly the highlight. The Parking lots were parked to the Easter lakes and many local streets such as Hofmark, Maffei road and Staltacher road. Also in the side streets for days seeking land-trippers to Park your car, themselves in blind alleys and in the case of a turning hammer. Alone on the wall of the Parking lot at the hunters alley 225 cars were counted. Also the large Parking lot at gut Aiderbichl, what a rare was.

rush could be with bathers even worse

“It was borderline, it was to fool a lot going on,” said mayor Hans Lang (SPD) on Monday to demand for the expected onslaught in Iffeldorf. By “catastrophic” he did not speak. It had after all been Through. But the Situation was “highly distressing for residents and the natural environment”.

What is the town hall, head, is. for one, the Parking situation, and the many visitors who move in the sensitive conservation area Easter lakes Long fears that there is worse to come, if the temperature of the water increases and more bathers will come. Columns of excursionists at the Easter lakes have experienced the Iffeldorfer in the past. The travel restrictions during the Corona-crisis, now tighten the crowds.

municipal Council Committee on problems and possible consequences

About the problems and possible consequences that will now talk in brief of the municipal Council Committee for the environment, energy and transport. “Too much time we have,” said mayor Lang. “Until, at the latest by the end of June”, he explains, would need to be implemented in the arrangements you are thinking of. Conceivable, for example, one-sided Parking restrictions on roads, which could, however, increase the Parking pressure elsewhere. Ideas admit it, for so Long, this is what he would like to have, however, discussed only in the body. Also with the residents, you’ll have a talk. What also needs to be solved the toilet problem in the large swimming spot on the Fohnsee.

also read: the construction of The elevated tank is expected to be the only large project that the municipality of Antdorf takes in this year. The investment is part of the budget, the Antdorfer the local Council has approved. Other projects such as the redesign of the village square, no more will be re-addressed.

The residents of the lake main lakefront fear a loss of their quality of life, if, in their view, intolerable conditions are not turned off to the steam web from the municipality soon. Therefore, they wrote a letter of complaint.