The municipality Neuching need to change your lighting concept for the churches of St. Martin upper neuching, and St. John the low-neuching.

Neuching – The Neuchinger local councils are not groping in the Dark when it came to the future lighting of the parish Church of upper neuching, and the branch Church neuching. However, the lights go out in the upper neuching 23 PM. And whether low-neuching rises a light, is questionable.

After 23 PM, shall not be illuminated facades

What sounds at first a little confused, is due to the Amendment of the Bavarian Immission control act. Because article 9 is now regulated, that, after 23 o’clock and up to the dawn of the facades of buildings and structures in the public sector may be illuminated.

In the municipality Neuching relates to the the parish Church of St. Martin upper neuching, had been developed in the context of the redesign of the town centre even have their own lighting concept. The FILIAL Church of St. John the low-neuching office of its bell-tower was not lit yet. The councils decided during the prohibited period, the lighting in St. Martin off.

“in Vain, there is not the night. Since

The Council was now but the question is, how in low-neuching during the allowed lighting time should be treated. “For nothing, there is not the night. Because it is dark,“ said Markus Reich Eder (FWG), and spoke against the lighting there. For environmental reasons, this is no longer acceptable. Markus Sedlmeir (ÜWG) it looks similar. “Should we talk about then, if not with the neighbors? Otherwise, it is in the living room is bright,“ he said. The neighbors were important, said Christian Steiner (WGN), and an energy lighting concept.

+ St. John low neuching is dimly lit. ©Oldach

In the upper neuching is only the bell-tower lights

In the upper neuching, only the Church tower is lit, and the neighbours are not disturbed, white Markus Lanzl (FWG). One could seek for low-neuching, first of all, an offer, and then see if a lighting up to 23 PM’s, suggested Beatrix Ertl (CSU). Your WGN-colleague from the Council, Markus Herman dorfer went one step further and suggested that a complete offer that includes the street lamps on Church street with the school and the environment. Perhaps there is even funding, from Otto Hainz (SPD) for this idea.

Finally, the panel decided, a lighting range for the branch Church in lower neuching to obtain and in the course of the already approved solar illumination between the upper and lower neuching for the desired area in the low-neuching request.

Daniela Oldach