to slow down

the spread of the Coronavirus, Germany had arranged the border controls in mid-March. Since the 16th century. May be relaxed on a gradual basis.

But still the global travel warning applies. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas had them last up to 14. June extended. In time for the start of the holiday season, you should then 15. June for 31 European countries . Maas would like to replace the travel warning due to individual trip notes. So vacations should be possible, and at the same time, the economic stability of the respective countries to boost. Until then, the following applies:

  • Accepted: travellers for business and for family visits in the neighbouring countries.
  • Not : An entry from tourist, shopping and / or for Refueling is still not permitted.

As the situation on the borders with individual neighbouring countries, read here (after the time of the abolition of border controls). Visa secured?

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Luxembourg: Transitions already open – strengthened control measures

ended The internal border controls on the border with Luxembourg, on 15. May. The Federal police at this border section increased control and investigation measures in 30-Kilometer border area on.

Netherlands: No controls – but the citizens of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg certificate of good health

Between Germany and the Netherlands also took place during the Corona-high phase, no border controls need. However, an increase in Monitoring was performed in the 30-Kilometer border area, and tourists were not welcome.

passengers from airports in high-risk areas according to the list of European Union Aviation Safety Agency will have to lead a health certificate must be completed prior to departure at the airport, with. In Germany, the airports in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are affected. One of the questions on the form is answered with “Yes”, entry is refused. Travelers from these areas should go in a two-week quarantine. FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

Belgium: border controls to 8. June – prohibition for persons with a second home

Since 20. March of the Belgian authorities to control their borders. According to the foreign office which are not absolutely necessary border crossings and Enter the country for tourist purposes is still prohibited, even for people with second homes in Belgium. The border controls are to at least to 8. In June last.

especially in the East of Belgium is the annoyance large. Relaxed the regulations should only be in consultation with the respective neighbouring country, and then, when the Virus-the Situation is the same on both sides of the border are comparable.

Lufthansa and ICE routes between Germany and Belgium, but in much lower frequency. Brussels Airlines has regular flights up to and including 6. June is cancelled.

you can read here: Live-Ticker for the Corona-crisis

Austria: border to Germany on the 15. June complete

open since 15. In may, there are only random checks, 15. June, the border between Germany and Austria should be re-opened fully. Who then travels to Austria, is expected to catch according to the current state is already quite a lot of from the well-known holiday experience of the previous years. The hotel industry is taking place on 29. May. your reboot. In light of the low Corona – Infection rates for Austria fans in the middle of next month, the mask of duty to a large extent.

South Tyrol is currently promoting increased holiday makers from Germany. Landeshauptmann Arno Kompatscher stressed that the transit of German through Austria. Allows the entry of foreigners in the Italian province, however, only from 3. June.

France: abolition of border controls at the 15. June

France keeps on the abolition of controls at the border to Germany to 15. June festival. The French interior Minister Christophe Castaner made it clear that he is striving for up to this date, no exceptions – as, for example, for German tourists. Castaner has the risk of infection. The border region of Germany, is affected by the pandemic, especially.

The currently existing border controls consist of random checks. All Transitions can be used.

Denmark: cross-border commuters are allowed to enter – tourists from the 15. June

Denmark opens its due to the Corona-crisis, closed borders, from the age of 15. June for tourists from Germany, Norway, Iceland, and Scandinavia. The Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen on 29.05. known. Also, Federal interior Minister Seehofer is ready, the border controls from at this time there set.

Currently, in Denmark persons with a stay permit and a work permit allowed to enter. For this purpose, cross-border commuters who work in Denmark. Similarly, the Danish family, children or life partner, may be visited. Travelers must be able to substantiate those reasons through documents at the border crossing at the port of entry, as well as a valid passport or identity card is required. dpa/Slavomír Kubeš/CTK/dpabild A police officer with a respirator controlled by a car on the Czech-German border.

Switzerland: Opening to Germany, Austria and France on the 15. June

in addition to the planned Opening of the borders to Germany, Austria and France on the 15. June wants to Switzerland at the latest on 6. July is also the freedom to travel in other Schengen countries, including Italy, to restore.

For 25. In March, Switzerland decided to extend entry restrictions to all States, with the exception of the Principality of Liechtenstein. The direct transit through Switzerland to Reach the place of residence is also in front of the 15. June is possible, but it needs to be demonstrated.

Poland: Possible Opening in mid-June – specific date holds stands still

Poland up to 12. June to controls at the borders to other EU countries. Foreigners are not allowed here. On 1. July could be possibly cancelled all the rest of the Coronavirus restrictions. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas had appealed recently to Poland, to open the borders again soon, because the Federal government, from the 15. June wants to restore the freedom of travel throughout the Schengen area.

so Far, exceptions are made for people with a permanent residence permit, for truck drivers and diplomats car. Since the 4. May opened Hotels and shopping malls as well as Restaurants and cafes again.

the Czech Republic: Opening to the traffic-light-model – German may 15. June entries

the Czech Republic opens its border from the age of 15. June for tourists from Germany. The basis for this decision, a new traffic-light model, the countries are divided according to risk groups. The green light next to Germany and all the other neighbouring States of the Czech Republic, among others, Switzerland and Croatia. Thus, the current restrictions for cross-border commuters account for.

foreigners from the red and orange marked countries must present at the port of entry to the Czech Republic a negative laboratory test for the Coronavirus. These include the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden.

If Corona infection numbers do not increase greatly: withdrawal of the relaxations of the limits

the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer from the castle, a redemption of relaxations to the limits but, should the Corona-infection numbers rise again strong. The infection should be done by the authorities to slip away, it is so close to the border of space, more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, would require the locker to be removed back, said the CSU politician.

More information is available on the website of the Federal Ministry of the interior.

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