The most recent situation reports from the Robert Koch Institute show that currently the age group of 20 to 49-Year-olds than most from the Coronavirus affected. However, even children under 10 years of age are frequently infected. The latter virologist prepares Drosten of great concern, as he explains in the NDR Podcast.

would Initially infected especially people over the age of 30 and 60 years with the Virus. Then, especially the older groups were more affected, there were many outbreaks in nursing homes. “But what we see in the recent statistics, is an increase in the age cohort 20 to 29 and 10 to 19 – and, if you look closely, also in the case of the 0 to 9-Year-olds.”

The Robert Koch-Institute breaks down in each location report of the long-term development of infections in certain age groups. Finally, the experts published in the situation report of 26. May is a graph showing the development of the age groups between weeks 10 (2. to 8. March 2020), and 21 (18. – 24. May 2020) shows.

In the two children’s age groups, in particular, between the calendar weeks 12 (16. to 22. March 2020) and 21 a sharp increase in case numbers. In this period, the RKI noted in the 10 – to 19-Year-olds, almost doubling the number of cases. In the case of the 0 – to 9-Year-old has given Drosten, according to a disproportionate increase. RKI In the young age groups up to 19 years of age shows a strong increase in the corona cases.

virologist Drosten observed “diffusion phenomena”

“This is memorable” says the virologist. Because in the observed period, pretty soon the schools in Germany were closed. It was a so-called “diffusion phenomena”, in households and through contacts with the family, it had come to contagions. In spite of the closures to be affected since a larger share of children, the infections continue to rise.

For the school openings this means: “We open now with a low-incidence,” stresses Drosten, “but with a suspended Situation in the children”. You have to keep in mind, even in the case of the evaluation of the new case numbers, which would be noted after the Openings of the day-care centres and schools.

Add to this that in schools and day-care centres, certain measures do not comply with let. in particular, small children would not consider themselves as adults, rules, about the distance requirement. “Sure, you can try to control a little bit,” explains the virologist. “But we all know how children behave”.

  • recommended reading: All new developments to the outbreak of the Coronavirus you read in the News Ticker

situation report of the RKI: “Not for the General population”

Also said Drosten in the Podcast, on which we currently Pay to look out for. The RKI is now trying to take into account factors such as the reporting delay in the announcement of the case numbers. Under the principle of the “Nowcast” is approximately corrected, the reproduction number will be delays involved. “In addition, the Robert-Koch Institute estimates that the disease onset in the cases in which this is not, or was not reported,” says Drosten.

The virologist, stressed that the situation reports of the Robert Koch Institute were to be published for a specialist audience, for Doctors and health offices. “This is the most solid information we have in Germany,” the virologist, “but he is not intended to provide the General population with easily accessible information. This is not the task of the Robert-Koch Institute.“

The increase in the reproduction number should not be overrated. “In the case of a low incidence of the increase of the R-value is not as worrying as if the incidence is high”. At the Moment, we should look, therefore, on the number of new infections, as the R-value, which is only an average value. Single infection clusters could have a strong influence, without changing the General Situation.

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