hard times for Singles: Especially in times of Corona and contact restrictions, it is not easy for them to find a Partner. Single and relationship coach Sarah Beyer has a couple of tips. to be

Icking –Single, is sometimes not a question of voluntariness. But in times of Corona it is for passionate Singles who live very like to be alone and to enjoy their freedoms, to be a real challenge. The Ickingerin Sarah Beyer is Single and relationship coach. In its Munich-based practice, she has made the experience that under the current circumstances of one or the other regrets, to be without a Partner.

Corona: Great challenge for Singles

systemic therapist advises Singles with and without a partner, but also couples with relationship problems. You can keep in the strictest phases of the lock downs, at least via Skype with their clients in contact. The native from düsseldorf, reveals in an interview with the local newspaper: “Some of my Singles have suffered as a result of the contact barrier very.” Its basic stance is trying to give out to your clients.

+ Sarah Beyer. The 46-Year-old from Icking istSingle and relationship coach with a practice in Munich.©Private

The 46-Year-old stressed: “We should not then Whine about how bad everything is, but think about How I can make the Best out of the crisis?’.” It is crucial that the client does not cooperate-conscious because you are slipping into a victim role. “As long as I feel as a victim, I can’t act”, knows the experienced therapist, which is currently in demand in various media as an expert.

in a victim role slipping

was your approach to changing the perspective of her clients: “I can do something, and the crisis, perhaps even as an opportunity.” Important is that you now use as a Single, the time to take care of your own needs. “Self-care is a fundamental part, also, if you want to build a relationship,” says the mother of three children. Only someone who is authentic and its needs, its values and Strengths, knows and clearly communicates that, according to Beyer, the Chance to find “the perfect piece” for a relationship at eye level.

contact restriction ideal to deal with yourself

So seen, the contact constraint is ideal to employ in order to really in detail with yourself and the partner search/selection time. The relationship expert suggests: “We should ask again: What have I to give? Why is it good to lead with me in a relationship?“

you go first and foremost to strengthen the self-worth of their clients. “I’m just not a Pick-up Coach, gives tips on how to talk to someone as soon as possible and ,where appropriate, schlepping'” chats Beyer from the school, however, believes that it is in times of Corona is quite helpful, it might be on Online Dating portals have to look around once more: “getting to Know you can let then really time, first time writing, then maybe Skype, or via video call time, a bit of time to spend together.”

cooking Virtually, together or a movie

You could, for example, cooking virtually, together or see a movie. Your tip: “Just look at how the other ticks.” Could the appeal of learning to know in fact, even increase. And should fit in a “real” Meeting of the smell, but then, have you met at least one interesting people.

If it doesn’t want to succeed is still with the love of happiness, you should think maybe about a pet. Beyer: “of course You have to think carefully about whether an animal fits into your life.

But clearly it helps against the loneliness, if you can take a dog or a cat on the lap, because you missed the tenderness of a partner, or just in the Arm are taken by friends.“ And, for example, the Gas would have to Go Yes again a new way to meet someone.

Bettina Sewald

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Since the weekend, the Camping-places in Bavaria, in spite of Corona must include a crisis of tourists every year. However, since the announcement of the appointment, the phones are silent. Nevertheless, most of the people behaved on the long Whitsun week-end to be largely reasonable and stormed the objectives of the trip.