It is a popular beer tent-Hit – but the Text is questionable: A Passauer student wants to make a Petition for this, that it is no longer played.

Passau’s student, makes a Petition caused a sensation – it comes to the Danube river song . She has initiated a discussion about sexism in the beer tents of. The song will be tents in the Beer and the ball-man-Star Mickie Krause sang.

Update from the 2. June, 16.20 PM: the initiators of The Petition want to start against the Danube river song (see below) now a citizens ‘ initiative . The response to the “action against the beer tent-sexism” is enormous, said the Passau student Corinna protective . So far, more than 23,500 people were involved in the Petition. Encouragement would you get from representatives of the various parties.

The initiators want to contact in a next step, again to the Passau mayor Jürgen Dupper (SPD) and ask for support, so that in the future in festivals in the lower Bavarian city of the Singing of Danube river song will be omitted. In addition, the establishment of a citizens ‘ initiative imminent, said contactor, the forward slopes of the Corona-related circumstances.

in addition to the very many positive letters from all over Germany, the group has gotten in the Internet a storm , directed mainly against Corinna protective personally. “That’s enough to rape and threats ,” said the 22-Year-old. You wish that on the subject of objectively could be discussed.

Bavaria: beer tent Hit belittles rape of women – thousands of people respond to the Petition

Update from 30. May, 11.50 PM: of Corinna contactor, launched in Petition “the action against the beer tent-sexism” (Stand 30. May, 11.50 PM) participated 9.783 people.

target to the initiator is not according to their own statements, to ban the song, but the responsibility to encourage people to deal with the Text and the song no longer sing.

Popular beer tent Hit trivialized rape – Even a pop Star singing the song

first message of 29. May 2020: Passau – A student from the city of three rivers Passau today with a Petition a sensation and has initiated a discussion on sexism in beer tents face.

The Danube river song describes the rape of a on the shore sleeping girl. It will be tents in the Beer and also the ball man-Star Mickie Krause sung.

With the Petition wants to reach the student, that people are concerned with the Text and the song no longer sing, as she explained, because the trivialization of a rape.

the Passau student starts tent “action against beer-sexism”

called The Passauer student has a tent in addition, the “action against beer-sexism” to life. For your commitment you reap encouragement, but also ridicule. 817 people had the Petition up to the Friday (29. May, 8.31 PM) supports.

Danube river song in the review: Green-member of the Landtag of annoyed by CSU-politicians

The Green of the Landtag deputies, Toni Schuberl a comment of the Deputy Passauer land Council, Hans Koller (CSU) to the song bothers is particularly. The CSU politician had a rating in a Facebook conversation a mocking statement against the action as a “very good”.

Vice-Passau district administrator explained his view to the Danube song

Then Schuberl asked the Deputy district administrator in an open letter: “May I have values in a way that You approve of the glorification and the Praise of a rape?”

But Koller made it clear to the German press Agency on Thursday: “I don’t like that tune, too.” It is a “ancient, primitive Sauflied “. He finds that there is due to the Corona-crisis however, more important issues than the Danube song. The he wanted to with his comment to the Express.

criticism of the “Danube river song”: This is the lyrics

Once I was walking along on the banks of the Danube, ohohoho lalala, A sleeping girl on the shore I found, ohohoho lalala, A sleeping girl on the shore I found.

2. She had stretched the legs away from him, ohohoho lalala, your snow-white breast was half covered only, ohohoho lalala, your snow-white breast was half covered only.

3. I’m not made me sleep at the end, ohohoho lalala, you no longer heard the noise of the Danube, ohohoho lalala, she heard the noise of the Danube.

4. You kerblichter boy what you done, ohohoho lalala, You made me in his Sleep to the mother, ohohoho lalala, You made me in his Sleep to the mother.

5. Now I have 12 kids and no man, ohohoho lalala, What a catch I the only 13. to, ohohoho lalala, What a catch I the only 13. to?

6. My girl, my girl, what are you getting upset, ohohoho lalala, For me, it was nice and safe for you also, ohohoho lalala, For me, it was nice and safe for you also.

7. Here you have a Brighter and get hald to the house, ohohoho lalala, And wash the bells and whistles with the help of soap out of it, ohohoho lalala, And Laundry soap you the bells and whistles with the core out.

8. I stood on the bridge and waved his hat, ohohoho lalala, Ade, young Maid, Yes the number was good, ohohoho lalala, Ade, young Maid, Yes the number was good.

9. And the Moral of the story, ohohoho lalala, Sleeping girl, you don’t fuck, ohohoho lalala, Sleeping girl, you Fucks.


Coronavirus at the University of Passau? In the Social Media App yodel a user is informed of an alleged article in the süddeutsche newspaper. All Fake, how now came out.*

Especially the gastronomy is affected by the Coronavirus crisis – some have already given up. Now a cult attracts Local from Munich, drastic consequences*.

All news from Passau, Germany, and the Rest of Bavaria read always with us.

* are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

