Germany currently has so many Employees in short-time work status, as never before, up to ten million workers are currently less clamped than in normal times. This is linked to the Affected with substantial loss of Wages: with no Children to get to the beginning of the 60 percent of the last net earnings, Parents of 67 percent.

However, with the short-time working for affected members of the private health insurance (PKV) opportunities in the statutory health insurance (Shi), return. The “world points”.

legislators are difficult to change in the statutory health insurance

Basically, the exchange between the health insurance systems is difficult. The legislator wants to prevent that healthy workers take advantage of the cheap cost of the private health insurance (PKV) in their young years and then in old age in the most cheaper public health insurance companies switch. Who is 55 years of age or older , no longer comes out almost even from the PKV.

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The PKV can only leave anyone who falls below the so-called annual work charge limit (JAEG) for a certain period of time under. In the year 2020 in the case of 62.550 Euro . This corresponds to a monthly income of 5212,50 Euro. The amount is annually recalculated and increases every year.

A variant, to pave the way out of the PKV: employees need to press their gross income under 62.550 euros a year.

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The employees who have to serve in the Corona-crisis of your child and therefore, less work is achieved for example. But other Employees can use this way.

GKV head Association suggests a simpler change to

This is in the Corona-crisis may be easier than in “normal” times, such as Daniela Hubloher of the consumer Central Hesse in the report of the “world” implies. “In the past, a change in the GKV was only when it was clear that the salary drops in the long term. A fixed-term contract on reduction of working hours for a couple of months have not accepted the health insurance companies mostly,“ says the expert. However, the updated Information of the GKV-leading organization to leave the Interpretation that, at present, also in the case of fixed-term contracts, a change is possible. Health insurance-benefits at a Glance (indicator) Now in the free health insurance comparison to find the best conditions!

Insured should take prior to concrete change plans, contact your insurance company. You need to verify whether your Plan works and you are Assured to return to normal working time as a volunteer can stay in the Fund. The change of the health insurance system has far-reaching consequences-financial, so in advance, all legal matters need to be clarified.

unemployment is also the possibility to change

A further possibility of the change in a health insurance company is opened up to workers who lose their Job. For those receiving unemployment benefits I can return in the statutory health insurance. But here also the limitation: The age of the person Concerned, must be under 55 years of age.


the self-employed must do

Private health insurance self-employed another way is open to: you need to change in the main job as an employee. In this case, the monthly income must exceed 450 euros, otherwise it’s composed of a Minijob. Additional condition: The Ex-self-employed must be more than three months of full-time employed, to be able to permanently in the health insurance remain.

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Even in cases of low pay there is a back door for the system change: Takes a Solo-self-employed to a maximum of € 455 per month, allows you to family insurance the path in the Shi. Mandatory requirement: The (marriage)Partner must be legally insured. Because the statutory health insurance offers a free co-insurance for spouses and children. This step is the same for all private health insurance customers over the age of 55 is often the only way back to the statutory health insurance.

waiver of Salary must be feasible to be

so Who with less work and thus less income back into a statutory health insurance, must be able to the step bars.

it is Also important to bear in mind: the lower the salary, the pension claims are reduced. In addition, threaten the Ex-PKV-Insured, additional financial losses: The old-age provisions, the lower rates in retirement will be lost when you change often.

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