The retail Institute EHI interviewed recently, trading companies, whether or not you have installed in your shops notice boards for cashless payment. 84 percent of the respondents answered “Yes”, as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAZ) reported. A further 13 percent plan, only three per cent, to waive such instructions. Thus, the Corona-crisis increases to Pay for apparently, the acceptance of the trade of bargeldlosem.

The conclusion is obvious: If consumer is very easy to pay on a cashless basis, the number of the contributor. In addition, there are still good reasons “to comply with social distancing”.

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Many customers are willing to accept according to surveys, card payments

The retail Institute EHI wanted recently know, what are the Payment preferences of retail customers. After that, 38 percent preferred before Corona pandemic in cash. This proportion is currently down to 18 percent. Around 42 per cent use the classic card payment, and 31% make contactless payments. After all, eight percent use mobile payment options via mobile phone such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or from vendors such as Payback.

More news: staff wanted POSpulse

The Effort to avoid physical contact, for example, with cashiers, is reflected in the preference of many consumers. The question: “Want more Self-Service checkouts in supermarkets?” answered in two surveys (blue and green bars below), a plurality of positive.

All the Numbers in the “Dossier: cash preferences in the Corona-crisis – insight into the preferences of shoppers with regard to POS systems, and payment methods prior to and during the Corona-crisis”. For POSpulse the Berliner marker research firms in the order of EHI 1046 consumer to answer.

When Adding the above-mentioned values, 85 percent of respondents total responses that you have to pay cashless. The are, however, Self-reports of consumers about their preferences – whether you keep it in the supermarket and when purchasing a ticket, is another question.

reasons for shopping without cash register – the age group 40 to 59 years: POSpulse In two surveys (blue or green bar) called the consumer reasons why they like shopping kassenlos – here is the age group of 40 – to 59-Year-old.

Nevertheless, the Trend to contactless payment is currently growing significantly, as it is called in the “FAZ”-report. In December 2019, the rate reached 42 percent, in March 2020 rose to 52 percent, in April to 56.9 percent.

with a phone

will Pay becoming increasingly popular significantly higher growth rates Paying via Smartphone has. The transactions increased from March to April by 30 percent to 735.411, such as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” with reference to the Figures of the savings banks Association reported. In front of the Corona-crisis, the number of monthly transactions was 20,000 to 30,000. This corresponds to a triple reissig plying! Nevertheless, at least for the Moment: the mobile phone leads-Pay only a niche existence. But no one can exclude that the trend is set to continue in To the Corona times.

at the beginning of the Corona-crisis there was a Run on cash

Despite those Trends, the Pay with coins, dies, and Seem to not. The cash in circulation increased in the first four months 2020 to a good four percent to 782 million euros. The German Bundesbank was particularly apparent at the beginning of the pandemic in mid-March, a Run on cash. In the early phase of the Corona-crisis hamsterten consumer and money houses “Cash”, as it is called on. Since then, the Trend reversed, cash A have-and -payouts reach currently below-average values.

This can be interpreted in a positive way, as Many consumers have come to terms now with the pandemic and wisely react to the current developments. Storm with destructive potential: Where to from 15 at Red alert PCP severe weather threatens with destructive potential: Where to from 15 at Red alert

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