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DWD is warning of severe weather and strong Thunderstorms
19.11 PM: The severe weather warning for Germany is slowly becoming less. Now only a small part is affected by Bayern. There, it can get severe Thunderstorms with heavy heavy rain. Is affected the following Region:
- circle of Tirschenreuth
Also, a warning-severe Thunderstorm (warning level orange is in many Parts of Germany). In the country concerned must be expected, with winds of up to 75km/h and heavy rain and hail circles.
weather in Germany – weather warning in five Federal States of
18.12 at: , The German weather service warns currently in five provinces before the severe weather. This can lead to severe Thunderstorms with heavy heavy rain of up to 35 l/m2 per hour, and gusts of wind with speeds of up to 65 km/h and hail. Are concerned currently these counties:
- circle Segeberg
- district of Pinneberg
- circle Stormarn
- Hanseatic city of Hamburg
lower Saxony
- district of Cuxhaven coast
- Kris Cuxhaven – Inland
- city of Bremerhaven
- Kreis Stade
- Kreis Rotenburg (Wümme)
- Osterholz
- Kreis Harburg
- Heidekreis
- Uelzen
- circle Celle
- Kreis Lüchow-Dannenberg
- district of Gifhorn
- Wolfsburg
- circle of Helmstedt
- Altmarkkreis Salzwedel
- circle Börde
- circle of Leipzig
- circle of Saxony lowlands
- circle of Tirschenreuth
All other information on the current weather situation in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
eddy Studio guests: Maischberger harvest before TV Talk harsh criticism, FOCUS Online/Wochit vortex Studio guests: Maischberger harvest before TV Talk massive criticism